e.g. firstly, we go to form class. surprisingly, every one is here today
Shockingly, their heaps of people waiting to go inside of new world.
confusingly, the teacher told a riddle to the class.
surprisingly, people laughed at my joke.
preposition starter sentience
up,down,through out,near,about,in,out,against,below,at,between,
between periods, we have 5 minutes to get to class.
about 10 minutes ago, we had a fire at school.
basic paragraph
p- point (state your point)
e-evidence (supply evidence [2-3 sciences])
e- explain (explain the evidenced)
l-link (write a link to the next paragraph)[link to the main idea/point/arguement.]
ed sentance starter
confrunted of stealing,the thief blamed the shopowner.
overwealmed,the shopowner pled guilty.
w start scentance
who what when where whereas whilest
while every one talked, i sat in sadness
when every one left me at school, i went up in my car liscence
while i was the best student,every one gave the new kids the credit. commited to do my work, others gave my quitness away. surprisingly, i became the worst at school. Before he came i was better than them all.
while all was dark and grey, we shall rise again...
delighted to be invited,the house was demolished.
what ever he did, i wasn't involved.
confrunted at the checkout, all the costemers left.
watching animals explode is amusing
against all odds, year 9ay were amused at a whale exploding on t.v.,
all the students were grossed out at the blood and guts but there eyes were glued to the the t.v.
every one wants to watch it again.
miss Handleylet the class 9ay watch a clip
exited of being first, johnny ran into a wall.
carelisly of being loud, most of 9 ay had there lisence dropped.
while being loud, the teacher yelled at the class
key arguement
outline of essay
In Abomination by Robert Swindells, a character important to the text as a whole is Martha. Throughout the text, Martha becomes more confident by making friends with Scott, standing up for herself against the bullies at her school and rebelling against her parents.
exited of being first, johnny ran into a wall.
carelisly of being loud, most of 9 ay had there lisence dropped.
while being loud, the teacher yelled at the class
key arguement
outline of essay
One way that we see the character of Martha change in the text is when she makes friends with Scott. Before Scott started at her school, Martha had no friends and felt sad and isolated by her peers. Her classmates didn’t want to work with her, they moved away from her seat and wouldn’t share their equipment with her. When Scott arrived, Martha hoped she might finally have someone to connect with. Luckily, Scott became her friend and Martha was able to open up and share with him about the abuse she was suffering at school and at home. This leads to Scott finding out about abomination- her nephew- living in the basement. This friendship is important to the text as a whole because if Martha hadn’t met Scott she wouldn’t have grown the confidence to stand up to her family and tell the secret of Abomination. Another way that her newly found confidence from Scott will help Martha is when she decides to stand up to the bullies at school.
martha was being bullied at school and stood up to them
while martha was going toilet girl billies