Aim: To separate solute from solvent in coke
hypothesis:i predict that the coke solvent will turn green and the sugar will disparate and it wont have enough carbon dioxide to fizz more.
equipment: coke, conical flask, gauze mat, delivery tube/ bung, Bunsen burner, tripod, resort stand, boss head clamp and boiling tube
- set up equipment as shown in sci pad diagram p.g.44
- add approximately 50 ml of coke to flask
- lite Bunsen burner properly using match lit then turn gas on
- heat the coke and observe
results: the coke left a little brown liquid but the test tube had a clear coke smelling substance.
conclusion: my hypothesis was almost correct because i thought the coke would leave the brownness behind and leave a green colored liquid but it was really clear
discussion: a mixture of coke boiled to go threw bung flows down the plastic tube into the cool test tube.
evaluation: results: the coke left a little brown liquid but the test tube had a clear coke smelling substance, my hypothesis was almost correct because i thought the coke would leave the brownness behind and leave a green colored liquid but it was really clear a mixture of coke boiled to go threw bung flows down the plastic tube into the cool test tube.
Hi Liam, this is a good scientific blog post. You have made some very interesting hypotheses. You have given good detail to your observations, next time it would be great to explain why you think it had happened in your discussion.