we also learned ergonomics
i didn't know how to use it but now i do.
It's time to get even more creative! You need to put information (info) into a visual representation (graphic) to add to your site. While there are loads of free websites that allow you create an info graphic,we could use either Canvas, Venngage, or Piktochart.
In these lessons we will learn a number of key analysis skills. We will explore a web-based game called Interland, as well as go over your online responsibilities, and the best ways to look after yourself online!
Once we have explored this introductory game you will need to write a summary of the Manaiakilani cyber smart site and present it using one of the presentation tools (Canvas, Venngage, or Piktochart) we have used before, or get inspired from Create on Mr carters site.
We will then try to change the world...For the last lesson, and last couple of periods, we have been discussing some deep issues that reach far outside of the classroom. Now it's time to do something with it. I will take you through DIGITAL BYTES by Commonsense.org to show you what this section is about, before you then choose some media to engage with.
Digital Bytes is a media-rich, project-based experience that teaches digital citizenship through topical, collaborative activities. You can check it out below, or here.
Nice work laim on doing this writing and also remember to use capital letters at the start of the writing i see that you have used a full stops in it as well.