In class today Mr Reese was taking year 9 Metal Class into the workshop. He was talking to us about safty precautions, for example if you don't wear any type of glasses you can damage your eye and if you dont wear a full face visor you could damage the back of your retna and have itchy sore eyes.
P.P.E- personal protective equiptment.
some ppe equiptment is Full Face Visor, Safty Glasses, Overalls and Gloves

HAZARD (eyes might get contaminated with metal)
IF THIS IS WORN (you can prtect your eyes from little debree.)

HAZARD (if not worn you will get hearing loss)
if you wear this (you can protect you ears from very very very LOUD noises.)]

HAZARD (if not worn you maqy get contaminated with metal debree)
if this was worn (you could survive the debre
HAZARD (if not worn the sparks from the oxey selitene gas bottle may harm the retna and blind you)
if worn you can see for alot longer than you would if wasn't worn.

hazards (can blind you if not worn)
if worn (you can see alot better than if it wasn't worn)

HAZARDS (hurt and inger hands and may be easer to cut off fingers)
if worn (you save your hands from a lot of medical bills and injuries)

HAZARDS ( of not worn you can contaminate your clothes and self and if you have children they can get contaminated)
if worn (
you could save alot of lives.)
work hop fails and safty
have you worn safty gear before?
have learned somthing today?