
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

stars day out

I don't know what skills I did there apart from leadership and perseverance.
yes I did step out of  y comfort zone talking t a bunch of strangers ( i suppose that's creepy)
I had leant from this was absolutely nothing I already knew all this from what my past was or what I do in cadet
my favourite part was when I saw the brassards. 
I would like to be more prepared and bring my cader uniform instead of school uniform
  i would also love us to have more y=time playing monopoly.

Monday, August 26, 2019

my goals in english

In-class I made myself a goal my goal was if I was away or if I did not finish I would complete it at home. sadly I did not complete my goal but I will try again next time my new goal for in-class work is to complete all my work.
I will finish my Indepindince matrix task whether it is raining or sunny that is my goal so I can do and finish it.
I will get two days this week because of Mrs Handley's time away from her favorite class my class.
I hope this week I can complete all my goals and this week my independence matrix task is going to be horror and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

pythagoras theroem.

in class we are learning about Pythagoras's theorem. this was a very difficult task we were all struggling at the start but by the end we got through the tasks.
Pythagoras theorem is a method to see what the hypotenuse* is.
slide to help me tell you how it works

*hypotenuse is the longest part of a right Angle triangle and the opposite the angle.
if you think there is no use to this think again i will prove to you there is.


The Pythagorean Theorem is useful for two-dimensional navigation. You can use it and two lengths to find the shortest distance. For instance, if you are at sea and navigating to a point that is 300 miles north and 400 miles west, you can use the theorem to find the distance from your ship to that point and calculate how many degrees to the west of north you would need to follow to reach that point. The distances north and west will be the two legs of the triangle, and the shortest line connecting them will be the diagonal. The same principles can be used for air navigation. For instance, a plane can use its height above the ground and its distance from the destination airport to find the correct place to begin a descent to that airport.

Architecture and Construction

Given two straight lines, the Pythagorean Theorem allows you to calculate the length of the diagonal connecting them. This application is frequently used in architecture, woodworking, or other physical construction projects. For instance, say you are building a sloped roof. If you know the height of the roof and the length for it to cover, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the diagonal length of the roof's slope. You can use this information to cut properly sized beams to support the roof, or calculate the area of the roof that you would need to shingle.
Painting on a Wall: Painters use ladders to paint on high buildings and often use the help of Pythagoras' theorem to complete their work. The painter needs to determine how tall a ladder needs to be in order to safely place the base away from the wall so it won't tip over. In this case the ladder itself will be the hypotenuse. Take for example a painter who has to paint a wall which is about 3 m high. The painter has to put the base of the ladder 2 m away from the wall to ensure it won't tip. What will be the length of the ladder required by the painter to complete his work? You can calculate it using Pythagoras' theorem.

to be nice have a video: pythagoras theorem youtube clip

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

home economics blog one

In Home Economics class we have been learning about food groups  and healthy eating.
In the food groups the main one that I did not know was carbohydrates but now I know it is things that includes starch like rice or spaghetti.

Image result for pita pockets
Image result for spaghetti and meatballsIn Class all of year 9 Home Economics Class made the pizza pockets, spaghetti and meat balls.
For the spaghetti and meatballs this has protein in the meatballs and carbohydrates in the spaghetti.
for the pizza pockets they had protein which was in the ham,cheese and the bbq sauce. charbohydraits in the pita bread .

Monday, August 19, 2019

30 second film

L.o In class for the last couple of weeks we were doing a film.

in our film it was about a boy going into a library stealing a book and getting caught.
our group of four people chose to do a movie about stealing and how it is wrong.
in the film we had 2 camera people summer and Jhermaine and 2 actors Thomas and myself. the music was chosen by myself and added by summer. the song was the pink panther theme song and was agreed upon all of us.
we had a couple of bumps in the movie like the main actor/library book stealer was changed almost 3 times and the libraryian was changed 2 times. the film was made almost 3 times but by the end we finished and went through the bumps as if it was a steep road.
here is the slide that shows you more of what we did.where to go to see ehat we created when we did not do the slide.
i hope you like the blog and movie.
do you like the movie?
please comment on what i could do better. bye

learning management help

the red shows me what i am going to try to do better over 5 weeks the yellow is what i struggle with as a whole green tells you what i am great at.
  1. i will try to keep a plan for each day.
  2. i am going to spread out the timing over the 5 weeks.
  3. i will try and learn the way that suits me best for a time limit.
in class i will try my hardest to keep this challenge to help me in the best way

Friday, August 16, 2019

liams figeritive language

in class this week we were learning about figurative language and literal language me personally i didn't have a clue what any thing was.(i was confused on some of the slides especially personification.) so yeah we were doing these slide i tried my hardest to do them all but i skipped one slide and was going to leave it to the end but i did not end up doing it.
slide show
all the words that i did not get were on the second slide i am sorry for the mistakes in my work.
here is the document i used to show my work.
thank you for reading my blog.
would you finish the slides in 4 and a half days?
could you tell me what the difference between literal and figurative is?
figurative means = exudation like you are he is driving me up a wall but really he is not he is just making me crazy.
what do you think onomatopoeia? here's a hint boom,plop and bang went the sewage pipes into the ravine.

Monday, August 12, 2019

math words

our idea in math was that we could create a game for people to know what the litrical words in math.
here is our words that where dsided it also has word clouds.
the math words and word clouds
here is aor game desisions and math charmeloin cards.
math game disisions
math charmelion game cards

Thursday, August 1, 2019

safty around the work shop p.4-5

In class today Mr Reese was taking year 9 Metal Class into the workshop. He was talking to us about safty precautions, for example if you don't wear any type of glasses you can damage your eye and if you dont wear a full face visor you could damage the back of your retna and have itchy sore eyes.
P.P.E- personal protective equiptment.
some ppe equiptment is Full Face Visor, Safty Glasses, Overalls and Gloves
Image result for safety glassesHAZARD (eyes might get contaminated with metal)
                                                  IF THIS IS WORN (you can prtect your eyes from little debree.)
Image result for safety ear plugsHAZARD (if not worn you will get hearing loss)
if you wear this (you can protect you ears from very very very LOUD noises.)]
Image result for full face visorHAZARD (if not worn you maqy get contaminated with metal debree)
if this was worn (you could survive the debre
Image result for welding eye protection

HAZARD (if not worn the sparks from the oxey selitene gas bottle may harm the retna and blind you)
if worn you can see for alot longer than you would if wasn't worn.

Image result for welding eye protectionhazards (can blind you if not worn)
if worn (you can see alot better than if it wasn't worn)

Image result for gloves metal workshopHAZARDS (hurt and inger hands and may be  easer to cut off fingers)
if worn (you save your hands from a lot of medical bills and injuries)

Image result for overalls workshop metalHAZARDS ( of not worn you can contaminate your clothes and self and if you have children they can get contaminated)
if worn (you could save alot of lives.)

work hop fails and safty

have you worn safty gear before?
have learned somthing today?