
Thursday, August 22, 2019

pythagoras theroem.

in class we are learning about Pythagoras's theorem. this was a very difficult task we were all struggling at the start but by the end we got through the tasks.
Pythagoras theorem is a method to see what the hypotenuse* is.
slide to help me tell you how it works

*hypotenuse is the longest part of a right Angle triangle and the opposite the angle.
if you think there is no use to this think again i will prove to you there is.


The Pythagorean Theorem is useful for two-dimensional navigation. You can use it and two lengths to find the shortest distance. For instance, if you are at sea and navigating to a point that is 300 miles north and 400 miles west, you can use the theorem to find the distance from your ship to that point and calculate how many degrees to the west of north you would need to follow to reach that point. The distances north and west will be the two legs of the triangle, and the shortest line connecting them will be the diagonal. The same principles can be used for air navigation. For instance, a plane can use its height above the ground and its distance from the destination airport to find the correct place to begin a descent to that airport.

Architecture and Construction

Given two straight lines, the Pythagorean Theorem allows you to calculate the length of the diagonal connecting them. This application is frequently used in architecture, woodworking, or other physical construction projects. For instance, say you are building a sloped roof. If you know the height of the roof and the length for it to cover, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the diagonal length of the roof's slope. You can use this information to cut properly sized beams to support the roof, or calculate the area of the roof that you would need to shingle.
Painting on a Wall: Painters use ladders to paint on high buildings and often use the help of Pythagoras' theorem to complete their work. The painter needs to determine how tall a ladder needs to be in order to safely place the base away from the wall so it won't tip over. In this case the ladder itself will be the hypotenuse. Take for example a painter who has to paint a wall which is about 3 m high. The painter has to put the base of the ladder 2 m away from the wall to ensure it won't tip. What will be the length of the ladder required by the painter to complete his work? You can calculate it using Pythagoras' theorem.

to be nice have a video: pythagoras theorem youtube clip


  1. Hello, Liam.
    Most of this work seems to be copy-pasted, and there isn't any photo evidence to show what you mean by this. To be fair, it's slightly underwhelming. At least you gave it a go!
    Nice work.

    1. hello summer the photo evedince is in the slide show sorry but before all were blocked so now you can go and see what i had done

  2. Hi Liam
    Good work, however next time, try not to copy and paste, (use your own words), get your facts right (not everyone was struggling) and put in a problem to show us how to use it. You have just said 'Here use this' but if we don't know what to do then..... well.... you need to tell us. It's not just Ay that are looking on your blog, its people from the other side of the world, people in other class' ect ect.
    Good Work though

    1. hello michaela sorry for not gettng the facts 100% next tim i would change it and the rest is in the slide show that was blocked by accedent.

  3. Hello Liam
    most of this work looks good to me keep up the good work but you cud put some pitchers in to good job.

    1. the pictures are in the slide show and do you mean could not cud

  4. hello Liam,
    Yes this blog post has a lot of information, but it is kind of hard to understand. For one thing some people might not know how to square root something and it was kind of hard to understand the equation. Plus you don't need to seen people to an external link to look at something. Please work on this.

    1. hi thomas i will try to fix this i dont know how to do the slide as a pictue and video looking thing and sorry for the hardness to some peoples reading.
      by liam
      p.s. i don't mean this in a horrid way.

    2. hi Liam,
      If you publish you slide to the web and take the embedded code then you can put it in the HTML section in the top left of the blog screen. Plus there is a button to insert a video, try it next time.

    3. i dont get it sorry me very untrained for this

  5. Hello Liam. I like the way you included the Slide Show and the Video. I also agree with Summer that most of this work look's Copy & Pasted. This post is also lacking Capital Letters at the start of Sentences. Great Effort Liam.

  6. Hello Liam, I like how you have added some information and a slideshow to show your learning. I also agree that all but the first paragraph was copy and pasted. Maybe next time try writing in your own word good try Liam.

  7. Sup Liam!
    I like how you put many details but most of that details was copied and pasted, maybe next time write it on your own words.

  8. Hi Liam. i like that you have lots of information about Pythagoras Theorem
    but it kind of looks copy and pasted but good job anyway

  9. Hi Liam. i like that you have lots of information about Pythagoras Theorem
    but it kind of looks like you have copy and pasted it. Maybe next time you could write it in your own words,Good job anyways!.

  10. hello all i copyed and pasted and tryied to change it but me im not very good with it so sorry if it looks copyed and pasted i tried to change the words in it alot this was a very hard task.
    by the owner liam

  11. Hello Liam,\(-_-)/
    I liked how you put alot of details on but it seems copy pasted so next time make it on your own words.
    Good job for trying your best. Horay


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