
Friday, November 29, 2019

sost asignment of deforestation

my social studies assignment.
Key Question 1: What is the environmental/social sustainability issue? 
I think that a major issue is a
Deforestation in deforestation,
we cut down a lot of trees (13,000 each second)
Key Question 2:  What factors have caused this issue?
people are cutting trees for:
  1. pencils
  2. houses
  3. buildings
  4. paper
  5. tables
  6. oils
  7. room for buildings
  8. traps so we can eat some animals
Key Question 3:  What will happen if this issue continues to degrade? 

we will start having less oxygen to breathe and have fewer animals that repopulate
by eating trees and more toxic fogs
and an apocalyptic scenery where smoke is in every corner and we can die from this smoke,
birds losses of eggs and nests taken by other animals the only animals
that can fly around are ones that can use echolocation.
Key Question 4: What are the possible solutions to this issue (either being currently done or could be done)?  
make a lot more national parks and force peoples pockets like ($5) and use the money and plant trees we could also pay YouTubers 1,000 dollars and tell them to do what Mr Beast did with the 20,000.145 trees. this would be sustainable because we are planting back all the trees we murdered. What we would be doing is Helping all the animals so some of the YouTubers in Australia can feed koalas and possums and other native animals, African YouTubers can feed there native animals rhinos.

Conclusions: Write conclusions summarising what you learned from your research.
Include specific evidence from your research to support your findings. 

I found out that people cut down trees for money for the expense
of more dangerous gases letting out and co2 taking over the o2 (co2= carbon dioxide and o
2 is oxygen) and that most care a whole lot

less about the world then what we should.
I also found out we cut down a whole lot of trees.
if we recycled some of our wood (except the mouldy wood) we could have a lot of trees around, for example,
if we had a chair we could change it to a table or a different type of chair.
I think some of the things that were made are preposterous, a one-use toothbrush,
a barely used chair, a couch that by the end of it will be dumped in nature and become mouldy,
and lastly, fossil fuels (oils) made by trees that we use more to kill our environment.
These examples show that we need to stop cutting down as much tres as we are.
Image result for deforestation birds eye viewlove what the trees look like
barely any trees

Thursday, November 28, 2019

astonimy link
please go to this link for the science

Monday, November 25, 2019

the mercant of venice

Act Three, Scene Four
  1. Finish this quote that shows Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? ‘But if you knew of whom you show this honour, how true a gentleman you send relief’ (Black Pg. 131, Blue Pg.78) 
  2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? (Black Pg. 133, Blue Pg.79) I think Portia is going to help save Antonio.
  3. What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
to look after her house until Bassanio comes back
  1. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
to hide their identity and tell off shylock
  1. Finish this quote which shows how Portia describes the behaviour and attitudes of young men. Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, How honourable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died.
  2. (Black Pg. 135, Blue Pg.81) 
  3. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?
Not entirely she is going to disobey (olden times men are the boss women has to listen) and save Antonio dressed as a man.

Act Three, Scene Five
1. In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
I think that Lancelot does not want to talk about the conversion of Jews to Christianity because the jews have to learn a lot of different rules.
2. What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
Jessicas opinion on Portia is great, Warm and a blessing to be with (page five on speaker notes)

SDL 25th of november

I don't think I completed my goal of staying on task so im going to try again.

Friday, November 22, 2019

merchant of venice

Act Two, Scene Seven
  1. Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is
  2. worthy to contain Portia’s portrait? gold chest
  3. Complete this quote
  4. Is’t like that lead __contains___ her; ‘
  5. There damnation to think so based a thought’
  6. (Black Pg. 79, Blue Pg.54)
  7. Portia’s father uses the casket test to
  8. find her the most suitable husband.
  9. Do you think his test is working?
  10. .yes it is working very well it is working in a
  11. way but only if someone nor something sees it

Act Two, Scene Eight

  1. What two disasters have happened to Shylock?
    daughter ran away
  2. stole money and jewls
  3. Complete this quote that tells where
  4. Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica have gone?
  5. The villain jew with outcrises __raised___ the duke,
  6. who went with
  7. him to search ____bassanios'_____ ship’ (Black Pg. 81, Blue Pg.55)
  8. How did Bassanio and Antonio leave Venice?
    the boated of into the sunset
  9. ‘In the narrow seas that part the French and English, there
  10. miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught’
  11. (Black P. 83, Blue P.56) boat go by by and thinks it is antonio
  12. What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Act Two, Scene Nine
    1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
    2. to scare the others
    3. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden casket? he wants what he deserves
    4. Complete this quote from the golden casket  ‘He who ____chooses____ me shall __get___ what _all___ men desire’ (Black Pg. 87, Blue Pg.58)
    5. Finish this quote that shows us Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival ‘Come, come, Nerissa; for I __long__ to see quick ___cupids__ post that comes so ____mannerly____’ (Black Pg. 91, Blue Pg.61)

Act Three, Scene Three:
  1. Antonio is now convinced that he knows the reason for Shylock’s insistence on claiming his bond. Finish the quote that tells us this, ‘He seeks my life, for reasons I know well, I oft delivered from his forfeitures Many that have at treat made mock to me; therefore he hath me’(Black Pg. 129, Blue Pg.77) 
  2. Why can the Duke not ‘deny the course of law’ according to Antonio? because he would disappoint the 7 merchants of Venice
  3. Why does Antonio seem resigned to his fate? What two important realisations is this based on? he gave up he lost his gold and his ducats and
  4. Do you think Antonio’s feelings towards Bassanio have changed since the beginning, why? yes Antonio is feeling sad and begging to shylock (but I bet as soon as shylock gives in Antonio will still be a pain and a big two-faced big-brained bully.)
  5. Finish this quote ‘Pray Good Bassanio to come to see me prey his death, and then I count not’ (Black Pg. 131, Blue Pg.78) 
  6. Shylock refuses to consider the idea of Mercy but demands Justice. Is true justice possible in this case? yep death according to a binding contract its Shylocks right to kill and grab a pound of flesh from great Antonio

seasons around the world
I created it myself.
hope you like my science work
In summer the lower axis is facing the sun then it goes anti-clockwise, the earth is getting cooler and cooler till it is autumn where the bottom axis is tilted away and further away from the sun then it goes east more where it turns into the season of snow, winter, winter the axis is east of the sun still facing east never stops facing east only thing that changes is what it's facing at.
and now for my personal favourite spring when the earth is going west around the sun like another autumn just instead of cooling down it heats up so all the snow starts the cooking and water soup making (puddles) start the buying of the pools.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

so st

  1. What happened to the earth
I blew up a bit
  1. Why did this happen
Because we are mean to the earth
  1. What could help stop this from happening
we could be more careful and build th wall
  1. One thing we change.

My friends opinion on what they do
we made a balloon and blew air for bad things done to earth and took air out when good things done

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

act 3

Act Three, Scene One
  1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know that Jessica’s ran away? because they are friends and pass messages
  2. Complete this quote to suggests Antonio's second misfortune: 
Salerio: Do you __hear__ whether Antonio _have___ had any _loss___ at sea or no? Shylock: There I have another ___ ____bad match__, a ______bancrupt__. (Black Pg. 95, Blue Pg.63)
  1. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica? (Black Pg. 97, Blue Pg.64)Shylock and Tubal
Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? ‘I will go Tubal, and meet me at our ___scinigog______’ (Black Pg. 99, Blue Pg.66)

Act Three, Scene Two
  1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice?
so he can have a better choice in what is what in each chest
  1. Complete this quote ‘I pray you _____, pause a ___ or two before you ______, for in choosing _____ I lose your company’ (Black Pg. 105, Blue Pg.66)

  1. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets? doesn't want one that brought pain to Finish this quote, ‘Thou m_______ lead which rather threatenest than dost p_______ aught, thy p_______moves me more than e_________, and here choose I’ (Black Pg. 111, Blue Pg.69)

  1. Complete Portia’s speech that tells us the expected roles of a woman in marriage. ‘Myself and what is ____, to you and ______is now _______’ (Black Pg. 113, Blue Pg.71)

  1. What does the above quote mean?
  2. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on? (Black Pg. 116-7, Blue Pg.72-3) if Portia marries Bassanio first
  3. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news? (Black Pg. 119, Blue Pg.72-3) Bassanio has a pale white face
  4. What help does Portia offer straightaway? (Black Pg. 123, Blue Pg.76) 20 thousand times the amount of money (ducats)
  5. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
because shylock just wants the flesh of the heart
  1. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth? yes because he is a nice warm caring person

maori counting

There are 3 girls
there are 4 tables
there are nine boys
there are two bananas
there are 12 ancestors/grandparents

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


my goals this week is to get as much done as i can at school

Monday, November 11, 2019

rotorua lakes

what is wrong with meh lake!

our Rotorua lakes are being murdered by you!!
our precious lakes are beautiful areas for personnel usage (drinking water) people like you are ruining my water my home with plastic and all that garbage and trash yes it may look beautiful on the outside but ugly and dark and cruel on the inside. lakes are my home my life and my only place that is calming but when I take one breath through my gills its like an old guy taking drugs and dieing.
all the bacteria in the lakes take one look at your plastic and think do you really need to kill natures beauty's, kill innocent children that get less and less food each day think about what you are doing think about what you have done to these wonderful blue lakes of poison. thank you for listening to my work. I hope this has made a difference.

reading chomprehensions pt 2 week 5

Booklet One

  1. a correct
  2. c correct
  3. b  correct
  4. b  correct
  5. b correct
  6. a correct
  7. a correct
  8. c correct
  9. b correct
  10. c correct
  11. a correct
  12. b correct
im gonna move to Aqua Marine
Booklet One
  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. c
  7. a