Key Question 1: What is the environmental/social sustainability issue?
I think that a major issue is a
Deforestation in deforestation,
we cut down a lot of trees (13,000 each second)
Deforestation in deforestation,
we cut down a lot of trees (13,000 each second)
Key Question 2: What factors have caused this issue?
people are cutting trees for:
- pencils
- houses
- buildings
- paper
- tables
- oils
- room for buildings
- traps so we can eat some animals
Key Question 3: What will happen if this issue continues to degrade?
by eating trees and more toxic fogs
and an apocalyptic scenery where smoke is in every corner and we can die from this smoke,
birds losses of eggs and nests taken by other animals the only animals
that can fly around are ones that can use echolocation.
Key Question 4: What are the possible solutions to this issue (either being currently done or could be done)?
make a lot more national parks and force peoples pockets like ($5) and use the money and plant trees we could also pay YouTubers 1,000 dollars and tell them to do what Mr Beast did with the 20,000.145 trees. this would be sustainable because we are planting back all the trees we murdered. What we would be doing is Helping all the animals so some of the YouTubers in Australia can feed koalas and possums and other native animals, African YouTubers can feed there native animals rhinos.
Conclusions: Write conclusions summarising what you learned from your research.
Include specific evidence from your research to support your findings.
Include specific evidence from your research to support your findings.
I found out that people cut down trees for money for the expense
of more dangerous gases letting out and co2 taking over the o2 (co2= carbon dioxide and o
2 is oxygen) and that most care a whole lot
of more dangerous gases letting out and co2 taking over the o2 (co2= carbon dioxide and o
2 is oxygen) and that most care a whole lot
less about the world then what we should.
I also found out we cut down a whole lot of trees.
if we recycled some of our wood (except the mouldy wood) we could have a lot of trees around, for example,
if we had a chair we could change it to a table or a different type of chair.
I think some of the things that were made are preposterous, a one-use toothbrush,
a barely used chair, a couch that by the end of it will be dumped in nature and become mouldy,
and lastly, fossil fuels (oils) made by trees that we use more to kill our environment.
These examples show that we need to stop cutting down as much tres as we are.
I also found out we cut down a whole lot of trees.
if we recycled some of our wood (except the mouldy wood) we could have a lot of trees around, for example,
if we had a chair we could change it to a table or a different type of chair.
I think some of the things that were made are preposterous, a one-use toothbrush,
a barely used chair, a couch that by the end of it will be dumped in nature and become mouldy,
and lastly, fossil fuels (oils) made by trees that we use more to kill our environment.
These examples show that we need to stop cutting down as much tres as we are.
barely any trees