Act Three, Scene Four
- Finish this quote that shows Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? ‘But if you knew of whom you show this honour, how true a gentleman you send relief’ (Black Pg. 131, Blue Pg.78)
- What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? (Black Pg. 133, Blue Pg.79) I think Portia is going to help save Antonio.
- What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why?
to look after her house until Bassanio comes back
- Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men?
to hide their identity and tell off shylock
- Finish this quote which shows how Portia describes the behaviour and attitudes of young men. ‘Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, How honourable ladies sought my love, Which I denying, they fell sick and died.
- ’ (Black Pg. 135, Blue Pg.81)
- Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected behaviour of a wife?
Not entirely she is going to disobey (olden times men are the boss women has to listen) and save Antonio dressed as a man.
Act Three, Scene Five
1. In his jokey conversation with Jessica, why is Launcelot against the conversion of Jews to Christianity?
I think that Lancelot does not want to talk about the conversion of Jews to Christianity because the jews have to learn a lot of different rules.
2. What is Jessica’s opinion of Portia?
Jessicas opinion on Portia is great, Warm and a blessing to be with (page five on speaker notes)
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