
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

People from the NZ Company come to check out the land to create their settlement   There is a misunderstanding over the sale of land in the Wairau Valley Local Maori are unhappy about this and sabotage the survey party’s tents Europeans come to arrest the men A battle occurs- 8 Maori and 22 Europeans are killed 

What year and where did this happen: 1839 where the Pakeha landed the ship close to the land-1840 (it never said the exact last year which was 1843 where the war ended)

Compare box 1 to box 2. what is the difference in land ownership. box 1- Thought it would buy a lot of lands, Box-2 think its a recept for giving wood and Water.

Because he was selling more land then what he actually owned

They will be arrested for Threatening to murder and protesting.

The Maori thought that cause there was a broken ship a gun would be given to pay for wood and water, Yet to the Pakeha thought they had the whole land and then a big war which killed 30 members, 22 Pakeha and 8 Maori.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Edward Gibbons Paragraph.

 Edward Gibbons was against the Treaty of Waitangi. He was against the Treaty because He hated the Way British Sent Prisoners to Aussie and also How the way London attacked and mistreated other countries. London Decided to send Prisoners to Australia and wrote a story about it.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


My Blackwells  Holden Advertisement.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Treaty of Waitangi Work

 In the class for this term, we have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi. Around about now we had to start and create a Treaty for our class. In my opinion, this is very bad timing since we are nearly finished school for the year. 

In class For the treaty, we did do a lot of ideas but not everyone got what they wanted whether it was People wanting to be allowed to be 10 minutes late or whether we should be allowed to have our own opinions. Some people where overruled even in the group of 4 students where overruled.

The good part on this what we did right everyone was agreeing on our last choice which now we just need to see our teacher fr her treaty and then we can finalize our final copy.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Sphero code nascar races Log.

 23rd October 2020,

In the class for the past Term and week we have been working on a Sphero code what has been completed at the moment:

  1. Idea 1 of track
  2. Code 1
  3. Idea of a better track
  4. 1 layer of grass paint
  5. Starting line
  6. Road drawn out
  7. Second coat of grass paint
This has been hard on all of us and some have stressed and have been struggling with making the track to ideas. But overall this team is going well.
We have Finished all of our colourings. We only need to do one more thing all up and that is recode 2 spheros.

Pictures available soon.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020



TWTWB Revision questions

 1. I think the author chose this title because its about a classical looking area with a Futuristic story.

2. Homer was happy and knew she would have been picked but was surprised at the point her dad let her.

Lee was surprised cause they never talked and bearly knew each other

3. She was afraid to ask uestions in case she would look stupid and dumb infront of the group as well as thinking she was over thinking things

4. The reason this was the natrual thing was Ellie was the most out door person then and the bravest. The character is bravery, Self control and leader ship as well as a smidge of team work in cluded.

5. To be honest no i wouldnt if i had to i would set up a little room with a hole to go toilet and food.

6. This transformation occured because he had to think of his family and what happened to them.

7. The reason a reliogos person is added is because it shows friends who are almost 100% diffrent can come together and fight for a country.
8. Ellies actions were justified because she thought of the reason on how If they were caught in the army they would be exicuted on the spot.

9. No i dont he is still a coward threw and threw but he has adapted to begin to help out and be nice to the group.


-Under age driveing

-Cold blooded murder

-hit and run

-running stop signs

- Attempted murder

The actions were justified in saveing the country

11.Because its showing how the realationships between Ellie and her friends threw a time of major crisis

12. my thoughts are if both sides die it would be more even and equal yet if Australia had 11 strong and Invaders had 25 strong it would be fair if Invaders died

13. Yes i agree. The human spirit in this book was high and the friends still looked after each other some enimes became friends some friends became enimes but still cared for one enother.

14.Yes i do. if the friends and family were togther it made it nicer and happier for the friends and they would not attack as much.

15. I think it was to make it a "straight" romance story and if the ratios were changed the Amount of "Straight" romance would change and we might have Gay and other romance or die alone people

16. I agree for most it brought out the nice in Ellie and lee as well as Keven and Corrie how they all found love.

17. in my opinion no character is useless (except Corrie who died) apart from that all are fine.

18. Even in the darkest times even the most immature person could help save the world.

19. I dont really know

20. The need the space and Australia's land just looked wasted and wanted to take over the country

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Tomorrow when the War Began Chapter 20-22 and Epilogue


Must Do Questions: 

How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings?
Ellie and Fi as they are leaving the Shooting scene they Feel Thankful and Relieved they survived and also Scared as well as anxious on what Chris, Homer, Corrie, Lee and Robyn's Health as they Usually are.

Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
The then the Convoys cant get to and from Wirrawee as good and safe as they would originally.

How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?

How does Kevins decision to go with Corrie change our perspective of him from Chapter 3/7
What is Ellie’s concern about her story? What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin? 

Open Comprehension & Understanding Questions Doc. 

        Copy- make a copy 

        Rename- attach your name

        Organise- put it into your English folder

        Work- Answer the 20 questions and post your work to your blog.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


In class i have learned that Ellie is a Responsable person and that Essay paragraphs are rediculisley Hard/

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Know My Place

 Momentarily, we have Been doing a Prezy About ourselves and Canterbury region.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I think that this Story will be written in a Daily Log type of a Character in the book. I think it will Be in a First person Overlook not a second person or a third person Perspective. i also think it would be a Dystopian area (or Post apocalyptic) time in the world.

I think the story is titled as it because It is showing that there is a war  and its also showing that in the book its about a day that a war started like how we had a war for WW1, WW2, Vietnam war. 

I think this story will be set in a Big Flat sandy Desserted area like a Country side or a Sahhana region. I think it is set in an area that is not only Blank but also Hot and and to the point Boys would Usually be shirtless and in shorts in a beach and women in bikini and a bra at the beach sunbathing (sorry for the sexism i was trying to make like they show in movies)

I think this time period is set in either the 21'st centry or 20'th century area after world war one but before or during world war three. I think the time period would be about the Greek meaning for Apoculips, (a new Bigining)

TWTWB Chapter 17-20 Level 4-5


Ch 17: 

Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and
alcohol into Hell?
Ellie Feels really Uncomfortable with Chris's decisionon The Cigarettes
and alcohol because She thinks that there is a lot more Better things
that he could of brought back like instead of alcohol Bringing some water.
"I didnt Like it how Chris could go pick up a pack of ciggies anywhere.
I suppose its because i don't think its as Essential"

What happened to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident,
according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
According to robyn Two of the three soldiers died in hospital and one
of the soldiers was not talked about so im guessing would still be alive.
I am still a little bit questioning. Ellie Feels Sad, Guilty, aggravated
and Anxious that how she killed and four soldiers two that she ran over
with a big truck and also the two she Blew up.

What is meant by a “clean war”? Why are the invaders so intent
on having a ‘clean war’? P224-225
Clean war means that the invaders will go in and not only be kind to who
they are invadeing but not show too much violence, Rape and homicide
as you would usually see in a War and invasion. (im going to link this to a
Story i was reading in Social Studies class, Refugee, a book about 4 kids
one of the kids was in the Hitler era and wanted to escape as a jew and
not as a German. at the end of the book his sister looked after a Little
Boy that was The hitlers eras brother and the boy, Mom and dad were all
Sent to a concentration camp and killed, raped and even beaten all three
of them.)
The reason the invaders are so intent on a clean war is because they want
the United Nations and Red cross to see it is good enough to not allow
The whole UN and Red cross troops down to Aussie to help out.

Why do you think prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?
I really think that prisoners were sent to the houses to clean up to make
it out as if the houses are habitable and so that the prisoners are aloud
out once in a while. i also think that the Prisoners were cleaning the
houses because the invaders wanted to commit little Slavery and make
the red cross and other countries think they are treating wirrawee well.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Lang Yacht

Land yacht

Aim: go the furthest and have the most unique design


Bamboo Mast

Paper sail



Craft Knife


Base Trolley





Time: 0.13.44

Distance: 8m

Speed: 1.68

Can You remake our 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Marshmallow Catapult Shooter

 Aim: to make a Marshmallow shooter and work out what forces are acting on it.

Equipment: Paper Cup, Zcizzors, Balloon, Marshmallow.


  1. cut the bottom of the cup
  2. Cut neck of balloon,
  3. Put balloon on bottom of cup
  4. Place marshmallows in cup
  5. Fire marshmallow
My one failed so well yeah..
Gravity pulling it down, Thrust pushing it foward, Support keeping it in a line and Friction slowing it down.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Tomorrow When the War began. ||Warning If you Have Not read The Book or watched the Movie You Wont Understand||Warning: Spoilers||

||Warning Spoilers and You wont Understand Unless You have read The Book|| 

Hello And Welcome to my Blog, Today we are Showing Tomorrow When The War Began. To Be Honest I like the Book and movie. The worst part of this area is doing the questions and literature. I did a lot of the questions. They are In the Slide Show below. Ok now in class this has taken over 13 Periods as it is. Includeing The the blog we have done 16 on This Project. 

But make sure you have read the book first.

Friday, August 14, 2020

DTE work this term.

 In Digital Technology, We have been learning in how to Create Game and apps. For our game and app work we were told on how to create a design process and an inforgraphic, Heres my site to see whats there:

Monday, August 10, 2020

Phone addiction paragraph

Are students addicted to there Phones? if so is that bad?
In this paragraph i am trying to prove that Students are not addicted to there phones. Some evidence to prove my point. Some Students don't actually own any phones and Cant Get addicted. Students like me can handle a whole Lot of Air and have fun outside of Wi-Fi. Yes people use phone during class and during work But They aren't addicted because Most of the time they are being social and getting help with stuff. A lot of parents/guardians have said that they try to ban children and try to get them to sport and limit there time online. Some parents (MINE) 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Technology Has improved For how people work. Improved Tech means easier work and more family time. The upgrades on Computers help how we can Write in Office Jobs. The Upgrades on phones mean we can Ring and message All of our Friends and family not just one person. The upgrades on Cars mean we have a safer Car drive and more affordable and quicker ride. Here are three examples of Changes in technology:

Old or New? | OmerArshad
computers timeline | Timetoast timelines
MIT researchers use smart phones to monitor health | My childhood memories,  Childhood memories, How to memorize things

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

English Sexxy Paragragh Practise

Hey All,
I am gonna Link this Between My Cadets and English work.

38sqn ATC Is the best Squadren in New zealand. 38sqn Has the least bullies and a small squadren so if there is a bully they will be delt with alot sooner. 17 Squadren has over 1,200 cadets rangeing from rank CDT-SQDCOMMS and There Bully ratio Is that High Not even 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Symbol Workshop[ Task --{Hunger Games}--

Hey All, In these Last two lessons i have been Learning about symbols in The hunger games. 

Mocking Jay- The mockingjay represents defiance in the novel, with the bird’s symbolism deriving initially from its origins. The mockingjay, we learn, came about as a result of a failed project by the Capitol to spy on the rebellious districts, and since then the bird has served as a reminder of this failure and the districts’ recalcitrance—Katniss describes them as “something of a slap in the face to the Capitol.” The mockingjay pin Madge gives to Katniss is at first an emblem of that resistance. Later in the novel, however, the birds come to symbolize a different sort of defiance. Mockingjays become a link between Katniss and Rue, with the two using the birds to communicate. When Rue dies, Katniss decorates her body with flowers as a means of memorializing Rue, but also to defy the Capitol. When Katniss later sees mockingjays, they remind her of Rue, and that memory inevitably stirs her hatred of the Capitol and her wish to rebel, and take revenge, against it. The mockingjay consequently takes on an additional layer of symbolism, representing not only a general rebellion against the Capitol, but also Katniss’s specific desire to defy it.

Fire- Fire is one of the most powerful symbols throughout The Hunger Games trilogy. At various times, it represents passion, rebellion, transformation, destruction, anger, and hatred. It also represents Katniss herself, "the girl who was on fire."

Fire makes its first powerful appearance when Peeta and Katniss are presented in the arena for the 74th Hunger Games. The stylist Cinna, secretly working for the rebellion, has designed Katniss's costume so that it literally bursts into flames with synthetic fire. His stated goal is to make the District 12 tributes memorable, but perhaps also to show that the people of District 12, like the coal they mine, is a source of tremendous heat, energy, and power. Later, in Catching Fire, Cinna provides Katniss with another evocative costume that uses fire as its symbol. When Katniss is forced by President Snow to wear her wedding dress for the pre-Quell interviews, it burns away to reveal the Mockingbird beneath. She becomes a phoenix rising from the ashes of a government-mandated show.

Fire as a symbol of rebellion and destruction is also made exceedingly clear when President Snow visits Katniss before the Victory Tour. He tells her that as the girl on fire who won the Hunger Games, she is also the spark that may grow to an inferno to destroy Panem. The inferno is the potential rebellion Snow feels she may trigger, and like any inferno, it has the power to incinerate whatever it reaches. But Katniss later turns this analogy against Snow after the Capitol bombs the hospital, crying out to the cameras, "If we burn, you burn." One other powerful reference to fire appears near the end of the trilogy, when Katniss compares Peeta and Gale. She says Gale's fire is kindled by rage and hatred, and she has enough of that of her own. She realizes that while this fire can be useful in time of war, it can also destroy her. She chooses the comforting warmth of Peeta.

Katnisses Bow and arrow- Katniss’s prowess with her bow and arrow is one of her defining characteristics. Early on in the novel, we learn that her deceased father first taught her archery when he was not working in the mines. Thus, from the beginning Katniss’s bow and arrow is a symbol of her relationship with her dad. When her father is killed in a mining accident and Katniss must assume the role of family breadwinner, her archery tools symbolize her independence, her ability to provide a livelihood for her family, and the heavy responsibilities she bears. By the end of the novel, when Katniss’s ability with a bow and arrow prove to be highly useful in the games, they are symbolic of her fighting spirit and success as a competitor.

Can you find any other Symbols?

Heres a hint There is a food Peeta makes...

Monday, July 20, 2020

Top photo:
Whats happinng?
Tributes are being chosen for hunger games and There all best dressed.
Describe clothes- Light, Neutral, Simpal, Classic, Hair tidy only dresses for female Formal Sunday best, Mended clothes
Viewer- Poor,juxtapose from effy
Middle photo,
Costume is excessive, 
Both genders whering make up and over the top and also its not gender biast,
Sexxy Paragraph
   In the Reaping Scene, Costumes is used effectively to show rich and poor,For Example, the Potential Tributes dressed in formal shirts,skirts and trouses. Thier clothes were Well-worn, Weathered and dull. This makes us understand the people in District 12 are Poor because there best clothes are the well warn clothes, when we saw Effie Trinket she was all glamouris from the capitol. This is done to show Juxtaposition between The Extreme wealth of the Capitol and the poverty of those in District 12. This worked well with use on Makeup. As shown by Effie you can tell that Effie with Foundation on her face, Pink and gold lips, Long eyelashes. It shows that she is wealthy cause She has make up and all in District 12 Does not have. this aspect can be compared to when the tributes Arrive off the train it shows the capital are all extravagant. Here we see the costumes are diffrent compared to the rags Katnis and Peeta worn.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Music-Film Studies ~Hunger Games~

Chords{Major~Upbeat, happy music tone,
              Minor~Sad,Depressing tone,

Tempo{Fast~Energetic.intense Gain intrest,
             Slow~Bored, Lazy, Lethargic
Dynamics{Loud~Energy,Intense,Riseing action
                  Quiet~Backround, Focuse.

Happy, Depressing

Hunger games tones:Minor, slow,
Major or minor, Fast or slo w and dynamics/Digetic,

1. Minor, Tired ,gained volume, Non Diagetic.
sad, Builds emotion or atmosphere.
2. Minor, Angry-sad,gained volume and started a wave of it.
3. Minor, Rues Death, gained volume and kept as an Ocean Technique, Loud very loud. 😭 has certain major points but goes bck to minor.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Freytags pyramid

In class we have been Watching The hunger games We were given three ways to present a plot. I chose a freytags pyramid,
Here is the first one i made

Testing presence of O2 (oxegen)

Aim:To carry out a test of oxegen,
Hypothises: I think The Splinter will relight.
  1. Light the Bunsen burner
  2. Add peasize of magnize to a Boiling tube and place in test rack,
  3. Add 2 mls of Hydrogen peroxide
  4. Light the Splinter
  5. Blow the spinter out and place in Boiling tube.
Results: each time splinter relit up.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Makeing metal oxide

Aim: To make a metal oxide and observe the different in properties compared to the reactions.
1. Light Bunsen burner
2. Hold magnesium in tip of scissor tongs,
3. put other end on fire,
4. When burn look away. it will burn eyes.
Observations: Magnesium go Bright light. Add CO2 to it  it goes brighter.
DIscusion: Carbon deoxide and oxegen Heated upa and 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Settings in the huger games.

What am i Learning?
In class i am learning where and how the setting are Appropriately used for example in the movie i am doing Hunger games, District 12 Looks as if it was from the past yet Capitol and District 1 looks like there in the future cause they have more money.

How does this show my working?
It shows The different districts and how different they are by looking at the key ill re write it here:
  1. Luxuries,
  2. Masonry and Weapons,
  3. Technology
  4. Fishing
  5. Electricity
  6. Transportation
  7. Lumber/wood
  8. Textiles
  9. Grain
  10. Livestock
  11. Agriculture
  12. coal mining
  13. Nuclear Technology (has been blown up already)
And lastly The capitol also known as District 0 They are the dictators and the ones who started the games. in our movie its the 74th Annual Hunger games so nobody has stopped them.

What am i wondering as a result of this?
Since District one is closer it gets paid A whole heap more then distict 12 which is at the back of the Country. If your a student think i think the kids at the front get more Help then the ones in th back who get into more trouble for not doing work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Acid Rain Thingy,

Observing the Effects Of Acid Rain,
Acid rain makes Chemical weathering happen more quickly. Buildings and Statues made from Rock are Damaged as a result. This is worse when the rock is Limestone Rather then granite. Oamaru stone is New Zealand most important building stone and is a very pure limestone. It is soft enough to be easily sawn and worked. unfortunately, These propities make it very susceptible to the effects of acid rain.

Aim, To see the effect of limestone From acid rain,
  • Petre Dish,
  • Apple,
  • Calcium carbonate,
  • Leaf,
  • Flower,
  • Litmus paper (blue)
  • Universal indicator,
  • weigh boat,
  • Hydrochloride acid,
  • Bromothynol,
Hazards that were in the Experiment,
  1. Corrosive,
  2. non-Eco safety,
  3. eye protection,
  1. Make sure you have all of the equipment.
  2. Evenly Spread out the Leave, Flower, Litmas paper, Universal indecator

Friday, June 12, 2020

Social studies Essay 1!

 Reading this poster of a Distant Land, I thought what is this is it real or is it a lie, New Zealand It promises A new country, Work, A life for me and my hopefully future family. I really should try its really really hard to get a job where i am at the moment Too much people Not a lot of jobs. Maybe i should introduce myself. I'm Josef And i Live in London. I would love to be an office worker or a farmer. I have applied for every job even in rubbish collecting. But i might take this Opposition to go to New Zealand.

 After I Snuck into the Big ass Boat I Found my way to the Extra Bedroom, It was Big and fancy.  I Scattered threw the cabinets and the fridge it was practically fit for a family of 10. I wondered how long will we be staying here. I Kept the room in lock down got changed and Prepared for dinner time in the "ball room". When we enter New Zealand i hope women have more

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Aim-To make Green indicator.
Hypothesis- I predict I could not make a rainbow,
Method-Adding a drop of either Sodium hydroxide to a testube and/or Hydrochloride acid,
Results- all i got was a Red, Green, Lime, Light blue and a Dark Oceanic blue.
Discussion- We added more Hydrochloride acid and Sodium Hydroxide to it to change the colors,
Conclusion, No it did not work as well as i planned we had more of a rainbow then what i Expected.TealTurtleChemistry on Twitter: "Gr12: Preparing their own Red ...

Film Studies Hunger games work.

Opening scene,
Music= Slow (timbre)
Minor Tone= Often means something bad is happening or is getting ready to happen,
Silence= Grabs Attention.
Camera shots,
Wide views-
Close up- Of Katnus and prim, to show emotions 😃😜😓
Mid-To show Face and body language.
Extreme close up- Signs and warnings
Tracking shot- Following Katnus On the bridge like path.
Positive Spin- Capital Hunger games is a Celebration
Screaming of scaredness - Distrect 12- Low chance of being picked
Lighting- Bright, Neon,  Saturated,
-Dull, Natraul, Bland,
Reserection (Choosing)

Music- Silent video was Major, and happy, Silence was used to Hear the Lady,

Dialouge- Screaming (to take over Prims place and also to Make Katnus Go back into the line.) Lady saying the votes and calmly talking.
-First Ever volunteer in District 12,
-Heffy, Surprised, Calm, Exited,Fortunate,

'Happy Hungergames and may the Odds Be in your Favor'-Effy faverout line.
Camera shots,
Closeups-Catnus Reaction, Read out names,
Meadium- Effie Takes katnus away, katnus in crowd,
Long/wide- Effie looking out, to see mass of people,
Panning shot- When people Show respect and Salute.
POV- Looking for prim,
Gave a speacial salute,
Watching film
Nataul, happy and sad.

Information, That can be false (one opinion) 
-Post Truth, False news Socially
Where Do we see it:
-Video at the capitol
-At the start when they say everyone watches it
-The game itself
-Every Tribute is trying to show propaganta,
-Katnis and peeta "star crossed Lovers"
-Effy with the hunger games,

-You have fought back once and Lost we can kill your children and there is nothing you can do.

We are being nice and We are giving you glory and Honor, We could have made it a lot worse

-Realistic man and women who are strong and fit.

-Were gonna be unfair Steal 1 man and 1 female age 12-18 and Make YOUR children fight and not ours.

-Help Them remember their past

-played every year, Gale mocks,
Effie Recites,

-So people from the capital believe in the entertainment

Peace keeper, (makes more noise then actual riots)

Colour (bright),
Somewhat fashionable close,
Make-up showing Wealth,
Everything is controlled water and all
Stonr,marble,Quartz e.t.c.
Dull colors
Dirty and muddy
-Best for show,
Look different to Capital e.t.c.
-Most wont stand a chance,
Rundown abandoned Cabins
-Needs urgent Attendance.
One good building made of Rundown Limestone. 
Week after Monday 15 
Only thing stronger then hope,
Kill everyone nobody would do the job,
little hope effective if contained,
mid- Between crane and snow to show expression and body shots.
Low angle- Just before Crane and snow In celebration
P.O.V.- Looking at eachother, Showing deep in covosation,
Extreme close up on rose, Pruning the rose.
Camera Shots, 
Extreme close up- Flowers,
Katnus Really Cares Foe Roo
Shows game wont CHange Her,
HA/P.O.V.- Aware Cameras watching, Like pulling the finger at a camera knowing there watching (DONT DO THAT YOU WOULD PISS OFF THE PERSONWATCHING U)
up tempo, minor,Agressive.
Tracking- people,
Wide angle, showing people,
Creats tension
shows chaos,
Took a while by the time 
Stavle as capital regained Distrect 
We connect with the scene cause We see this In the #BLM  or Black lives matter protest.
All united,'

Character Traits,
- Confused,
-Grumpy with hamish,
-hidden emotion
-Status driven
-Soft, Crying in Bullet train.
-Physsically strong
-pawn in there game,
-Brutally honest,

Friday, June 5, 2020

Makeing indecators Science (Page 32)

Aim¬ To make indecators in class,

Method¬ Make tea in a beaker and pour cranberry juice into a seperate beaker.

Results¬It worked in an odd way.

Discussion¬ I hoped it would look a lot like Tea was 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

buissness studies.

1. What are four facters?
Land-Comes from the land.

Labor-Person/people who work to get the job done,
Entropener, Creater of a buissness,
Capitol- The extra things needed to make things,
Goods/Services- The after prdouct

Examples of each-
Land- Iron, Grass, Clay.
Labor/entropener- teachers, truck drivers.
capitol, hammers, glue,
goods/services- pants,scarfs,rope.