
Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I think that this Story will be written in a Daily Log type of a Character in the book. I think it will Be in a First person Overlook not a second person or a third person Perspective. i also think it would be a Dystopian area (or Post apocalyptic) time in the world.

I think the story is titled as it because It is showing that there is a war  and its also showing that in the book its about a day that a war started like how we had a war for WW1, WW2, Vietnam war. 

I think this story will be set in a Big Flat sandy Desserted area like a Country side or a Sahhana region. I think it is set in an area that is not only Blank but also Hot and and to the point Boys would Usually be shirtless and in shorts in a beach and women in bikini and a bra at the beach sunbathing (sorry for the sexism i was trying to make like they show in movies)

I think this time period is set in either the 21'st centry or 20'th century area after world war one but before or during world war three. I think the time period would be about the Greek meaning for Apoculips, (a new Bigining)

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