
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Tomorrow when the War Began Chapter 20-22 and Epilogue


Must Do Questions: 

How do Ellie and Fi feel as they are leaving the scene on their motorbikes? Are these realistic feelings?
Ellie and Fi as they are leaving the Shooting scene they Feel Thankful and Relieved they survived and also Scared as well as anxious on what Chris, Homer, Corrie, Lee and Robyn's Health as they Usually are.

Why do you think the group decided to blow up the bridge?
The then the Convoys cant get to and from Wirrawee as good and safe as they would originally.

How is this exploit different from the other exploits the group has been on?

How does Kevins decision to go with Corrie change our perspective of him from Chapter 3/7
What is Ellie’s concern about her story? What do you think will happen to Corrie and Kevin? 

Open Comprehension & Understanding Questions Doc. 

        Copy- make a copy 

        Rename- attach your name

        Organise- put it into your English folder

        Work- Answer the 20 questions and post your work to your blog.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


In class i have learned that Ellie is a Responsable person and that Essay paragraphs are rediculisley Hard/

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Know My Place

 Momentarily, we have Been doing a Prezy About ourselves and Canterbury region.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


I think that this Story will be written in a Daily Log type of a Character in the book. I think it will Be in a First person Overlook not a second person or a third person Perspective. i also think it would be a Dystopian area (or Post apocalyptic) time in the world.

I think the story is titled as it because It is showing that there is a war  and its also showing that in the book its about a day that a war started like how we had a war for WW1, WW2, Vietnam war. 

I think this story will be set in a Big Flat sandy Desserted area like a Country side or a Sahhana region. I think it is set in an area that is not only Blank but also Hot and and to the point Boys would Usually be shirtless and in shorts in a beach and women in bikini and a bra at the beach sunbathing (sorry for the sexism i was trying to make like they show in movies)

I think this time period is set in either the 21'st centry or 20'th century area after world war one but before or during world war three. I think the time period would be about the Greek meaning for Apoculips, (a new Bigining)

TWTWB Chapter 17-20 Level 4-5


Ch 17: 

Why does Ellie feel uncomfortable with Chris bringing cigarettes and
alcohol into Hell?
Ellie Feels really Uncomfortable with Chris's decisionon The Cigarettes
and alcohol because She thinks that there is a lot more Better things
that he could of brought back like instead of alcohol Bringing some water.
"I didnt Like it how Chris could go pick up a pack of ciggies anywhere.
I suppose its because i don't think its as Essential"

What happened to the soldiers involved in the lawnmower incident,
according to Robyn? How does this make Ellie feel?
According to robyn Two of the three soldiers died in hospital and one
of the soldiers was not talked about so im guessing would still be alive.
I am still a little bit questioning. Ellie Feels Sad, Guilty, aggravated
and Anxious that how she killed and four soldiers two that she ran over
with a big truck and also the two she Blew up.

What is meant by a “clean war”? Why are the invaders so intent
on having a ‘clean war’? P224-225
Clean war means that the invaders will go in and not only be kind to who
they are invadeing but not show too much violence, Rape and homicide
as you would usually see in a War and invasion. (im going to link this to a
Story i was reading in Social Studies class, Refugee, a book about 4 kids
one of the kids was in the Hitler era and wanted to escape as a jew and
not as a German. at the end of the book his sister looked after a Little
Boy that was The hitlers eras brother and the boy, Mom and dad were all
Sent to a concentration camp and killed, raped and even beaten all three
of them.)
The reason the invaders are so intent on a clean war is because they want
the United Nations and Red cross to see it is good enough to not allow
The whole UN and Red cross troops down to Aussie to help out.

Why do you think prisoners are sent to clean up the houses around town?
I really think that prisoners were sent to the houses to clean up to make
it out as if the houses are habitable and so that the prisoners are aloud
out once in a while. i also think that the Prisoners were cleaning the
houses because the invaders wanted to commit little Slavery and make
the red cross and other countries think they are treating wirrawee well.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Lang Yacht

Land yacht

Aim: go the furthest and have the most unique design


Bamboo Mast

Paper sail



Craft Knife


Base Trolley





Time: 0.13.44

Distance: 8m

Speed: 1.68

Can You remake our 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Marshmallow Catapult Shooter

 Aim: to make a Marshmallow shooter and work out what forces are acting on it.

Equipment: Paper Cup, Zcizzors, Balloon, Marshmallow.


  1. cut the bottom of the cup
  2. Cut neck of balloon,
  3. Put balloon on bottom of cup
  4. Place marshmallows in cup
  5. Fire marshmallow
My one failed so well yeah..
Gravity pulling it down, Thrust pushing it foward, Support keeping it in a line and Friction slowing it down.