
Monday, September 27, 2021

Push kart go kart, Passion projects

 The project idea for my group is to make a working Push kart. The goal for us is to make it work, and push it down the BMX track at kyle park,

What is needed:
1. planer,
2. Crates
3. Hammer
4. Tyres,
5. Wheels,
6. Nuts & bits and washers,

`I have done pulling apart the Crates, and the design process.

I will present this by asking Mr Richardson to record me going down the Kyle park ramp.

Photo coming soon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

School Homework challenges

The Challenge I think I might do is: 

Exploring self-compassion through writing

Everybody has something about themselves that they don’t like; something that causes them to feel shame, to feel insecure, or not “good enough.” This exercise will help you write a letter to yourself about this issue from a place of acceptance and compassion.

Friday, May 7, 2021

The Freedom Writers Diary.

 ¡Caution Spoilers!

In the Movie, we watched called The Freedom writers, The class of 203, Was a class of people of multiple nationalities and religions that had a war going on during the start. But in this class, this war was ended and they were brought together through dignity and Miss Gruwell. 

How did this movie make me feel?
This movie made me feel a bit of Disgust and Melancholy on how they were treated by the head of the department, and how Teacher Miss Gruwell was declined on every offer. by the end of the movie it made me feel a little hope and delighted as the class had what they wanted and also how the class came together as a family.

What was my favourite part of the Movie?
My Favourite part of the movie was when The class became friends and when The only white American in the class felt welcomed and as they were all friends. another one was on the testimony Stand where the Latino girl had to testify on a black guy falsely committing murder and she told the truth that it was some Latino friend of hers.

What does this story mean to me?
This story means to me that even though everyone was born differently or may support Different things but one push can put their grades up and they can start to believe in each other. This also shows to me that No matter how big the war is or how old you are and how much doom you have seen you can end the wars.

Monday, March 29, 2021

😭😭😭Deppressing Sad😭😭😭 What i see myself doing in 5 years😭😭😭

 What do I see myself doing in 5 years?

Great question, I see Myself Getting Up at 0200 leaving my tent, Seeing the Photo of the ones I Love, Seeing a Photo Of my classmates of 2021 and also crying at how much I'm going to miss them if I don't make it through this line of duty, I see myself jumping into the back of a Green Camo truck which is driving us towards a Line of fire, I see Myself Seeing the last friends I will ever see, I see myself with a + on my head and Sholder, I see myself looking at other members of the New Zealand Army watching outside unknown on what's going to hit them. I see flying objects passing us in the air. Explosions on land and Sea, I see Dark fog surrounding us, I see Planes, I see Boats, I see Other countries Army assisting us and the other side, I see Cannons Blowing smoke, I see My Medic Pack running out of supplies, I see a Captain yelling for some to go home, I see Deaths, I see Bodies on the ground with Blood wounds worse than mine, I see people in different uniforms Running towards me Holding a gun with a knife on the front of it. I see them stabbing bodies making sure the bodies are dead. I see them being sniped, I see more cars including an Insurgent arrive at the scene running over dead and injured bodies. I see Bullets Flying past My head Slightly missing their target. I see 15 and 16-year-olds Joining the fight, I see some blood pouring from their head. I see My best friend Falling and hitting their head on a Sharp corner and bleeding, I see buildings broken and all feels hopeless.

So what do I see in five years? I see World war three, Everyone Dying, and Blood.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Physics on Saint Patrick's day

 In class, I am revising The Conservation of Energy. I am liking this part of my topic, Physics and I am hoping it will be this good for the years to come. At the moment I am in Level one Science and some of these words might be at an Level 2 or Higher Level.

The Types of energy On this topic are:


Gravitational Potential, 

Elastic (also known as Strain Energy),




Elastic Potential Energy.

Sound Energy 

Examples of how these could be used are:

I was Biking on my Bike using kinetic energy, Some car was behind me also using Kinetic but was also using heat and Sound energy. If the car hit me on the bike, I would go faster in kenetic then turn into a Gravitational Potential Energy and Land On kinetic energy. and on landing my soul does a kinetic energy lifting upwards into the clouds.

Kenetic Vs Potential,
In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it Owns due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes.

The Periodic Table Session:

Periodic table - Wikipedia