Patterns of Ecological Communities,
Patterns in Ecological communities were about the different patterns within the habitats and Niches.
What words did I learn:
(Just A quick note I did not fact-check the Kiwi Stories so they are Fictional until proven)
Fundamental Niche - Any Habitat/Conditions in an Individual or species can survive
(The Kiwi is can survive in a rainforest)
Realized Niche - The Conditions the organism is most often found in (The Kiwi is mostly seen in the Edge of the Rain forest closest to the Road.)
Competitive Overlap - Where two species occupy the same niche causing competition. One will out-compete the other because of certain Adaptations.
Niche - The Role and the Habitat the Organism lives in (What does the Organism do inside of the certain Habitat)
Succession - Changes over time, to a community
Satisfaction - Verticle Changes to a community
Zonation - Horizontal changes across an area
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Made By Liam W.
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