
Friday, February 10, 2023

Level 2 Ecology 2023 Food webs/Foodchains

 Ecology Pt. 1 2023


In Biology, for 2023 we have started to learn about the topic of Ecology. From what we have learned so far is what the different feeding relationships between plants and animal life. Some of the things we have learned include The different animal types, What animals eat to survive, and what Foodweebs and Foodchains are.


Carnivore - An organism that only eats other species or even its own species of Animal life
Herbivore - An organism that only eats Plantlife
Omnivore - An organism that eats plantlife and Animal life
Producer - The Primary food in the food chain is Usually conducted of  Plants, Plankton, and Bacteria that can have energy made by themselves.
Consumer - the Animal that eats the producer or other animals down the food chain.
Trophic level - Where the Energy goes out to (The Birds energy goes into the cat)

Food Chains:

According to the Scipad and what I have learned a Foodchain is a Line of animals and plants that eat each other to find out where the Energy Goes out. The way we can tell if it is a food chain or not is that the Feeding relationships within the line are as follows: The Producer which then is eaten by the primary consumer (which is usually a Herbivore,) then which is eaten by a Secondary Consumer (usually a Carnivor or Omnivore) and then eaten by a tertiary consumer (also usually a Carnivor or Omnivore)

Food Webs:

Food webs are a series of interlinked 

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