
Friday, February 25, 2022

Introduction to signage Metal Works

 Hazard Identification & Action

A hazard can be described as anything that could cause you and others any form of harm.

A hazard that can cause you serious harm is described as significant.

Once a significant hazard has been determined the school must take “all practical steps” to eliminate, isolate or minimise the significant hazard.

Safety Signage

Here are some examples : Identify the sign, Describe what it means ,Explain what action you would take 

Slip hazard,
              Clean up mess

No Cellular device

Fire Hose
If fire, grab hose.

Eye wash Bottle
If eyes have something in it like metal, Wash with bottle.

Wear Ear muffs
Id put on ear muffs
Construction sitr
If I was sent I would go in
If I wasn’t sent I would ignore and go passed the site.

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