
Thursday, June 27, 2019

math 10 by 10 grid work.

in class we were learning about algebra and the calculations in grid's. We found out that all the calculations there were 2 i could understand:

  in my theory you can calculate the outside (in red) 9+9+9+9 because it is a ten by ten grid and ten at top and ten at bottom so that leaves 8 and 8 at the sides because corners cant overlap (for e.g. you are allergic to fish and you were buying one for each friend in the red easy way is 10 times 4 but you have an extra 4 and you cant eat it so if you do 9 times 4 it would not count the corners twice.)
which shows to be the same answer as that 9+9+9+9 one they both add up to 36 and no overlapping corners will here's a question for you can you tell me other ways of finding out the red part of the 10 by 10 grid (without counting) ? Can you tell me if it worked on other squares (2 by 2 or 20 by 20)?
in another one of my theory's we could do 10+9+9+8 it works the same but has a harder way of working it out. because this is 10 plus (9 time 2) plus 8 which also equals 36

Monday, June 24, 2019

sexxxy paragraph and the lawyer

-other world
-cant talk,
-mother and coraline going into house
in this film coraline(c-or-a-line) high angle shots are used affectively to estabish a characters position of power. this is demostated in the scene where coraline and wybie(y-b) get home from the niebours. this makes the audiance understand that the othermother has all the


slides 13 and 15

choose 2 charicter strengths for coraline and another character of your choice:
coralines, bravery and curiosity because she stood up to the other mother and wanted to see were the little door led.
and wybie is love and hope

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

lead characters

Coraline has to move to a new house new school and has to fight of her other mother
(real)mum has to spend her money to help coraline and tries to make her happy
other mum lures coraline in and to keep her in and to not let her leave to any other house
other dad(pumpkin man) keep coraline happy and the other mother

symbol scavenger hunt

symbol scavenger hunt

button eyes,
symbol's imaginary and allegory
These eyes are definitely terrifying. The black button eyes let us know that we are in the other world. except for the key the key was the way to go in  to the other world.
These buttons essentially act like masks. Coraline can't tell if her other parents are watching her and she can't get any clues through their eyes as to what they're thinking.
it also shows that==
the creepy doll,
it really symbolizes hope love and attention with the tale of a little bit of terror.
the key
The really wierd key into the other world becomes a hot commodity, or item, in the story. There's only one key to the door between the other world and our world. the other mother and Coraline both want to control that key.
i hope you can see these things in the movie
here i will let you see if you can find it in the trailor

coraline trailor

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

how is colour used to create the two worlds

  • grey
  • green
  • black/dark
  • navy
  • cool/cold
  • threatening
  • depressed
  • grey blue pallet
hard at work not happy miserable Coraline is a bother
creates a mood of sadness

  1. red/orange pallet
  2. warm
  3. bright
  4. brown 
dad is happily prat icing piano on waiting for Coraline
the director uses the colour palette to reflect Coraline's feelings towards a place. When she feels lonely and unhappy. If it was yellow, orange and red Coraline would feel very very happy.
other mother is a beldam (devil[I'm sorry if this bothers you])
it makes the viewer think its bored and meloncoly.

this is done to reinforce the idea that Coraline is wanted and not a pain in the backside.
it is a wondrous place for her to be in
however as i know the other mother is trying to make Coraline fall into her trap.

colours in this seen with the very terrifying pictures and gif the feeling is sad,terrifying and shocking the perdominint colours used is  green and purple because it is trying to make coraline very very terrifyed. the director has used these colours because 
in social studies we were learning about new zealand government (mine and probibly your government...)
Q 1. a democratic government
Q 2. depending on the debate 3 months for some and for the next prime minister 3 years
Q 3. queen elizibith the second.
Q 4. Dame Patsy Reddy, The current Governor-General is Dame Patsy Reddy, who has served since 28 September 2016; Prime Minister John Key recommended her to succeed Sir Jerry Mateparae.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

lighting used in this shot is used to make the house look cheerful,jolly,welcoming and make her dreams come true like a happy dinner at the dinner table used a warm yellowish red light coming from the light bulb in between the light shade
Coraline feels safe and thinks that she may be imagining things at the start and able to go and
flee off to a trapping welcoming sweet 

the light is multi colour sweet and curious