- grey
- green
- black/dark
- navy
- cool/cold
- threatening
- depressed
- grey blue pallet
creates a mood of sadness
- red/orange pallet
- warm
- bright
- brown
the director uses the colour palette to reflect Coraline's feelings towards a place. When she feels lonely and unhappy. If it was yellow, orange and red Coraline would feel very very happy.
other mother is a beldam (devil[I'm sorry if this bothers you])
it makes the viewer think its bored and meloncoly.
this is done to reinforce the idea that Coraline is wanted and not a pain in the backside.
it is a wondrous place for her to be in
however as i know the other mother is trying to make Coraline fall into her trap.
colours in this seen with the very terrifying pictures and gif the feeling is sad,terrifying and shocking the perdominint colours used is green and purple because it is trying to make coraline very very terrifyed. the director has used these colours because
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