
Thursday, June 27, 2019

math 10 by 10 grid work.

in class we were learning about algebra and the calculations in grid's. We found out that all the calculations there were 2 i could understand:

  in my theory you can calculate the outside (in red) 9+9+9+9 because it is a ten by ten grid and ten at top and ten at bottom so that leaves 8 and 8 at the sides because corners cant overlap (for e.g. you are allergic to fish and you were buying one for each friend in the red easy way is 10 times 4 but you have an extra 4 and you cant eat it so if you do 9 times 4 it would not count the corners twice.)
which shows to be the same answer as that 9+9+9+9 one they both add up to 36 and no overlapping corners will here's a question for you can you tell me other ways of finding out the red part of the 10 by 10 grid (without counting) ? Can you tell me if it worked on other squares (2 by 2 or 20 by 20)?
in another one of my theory's we could do 10+9+9+8 it works the same but has a harder way of working it out. because this is 10 plus (9 time 2) plus 8 which also equals 36


  1. Hey Liam . That is a great piece of writing well done. If you could include the algebraic equation that explains the calculation ( and a worked example)that would exented your work further E.G 10+10+10+10-4=36 can be written for a 10 by 10 grid as n+n+n+n- 4 or 4n-4

    1. Hello Mr Reese, thank you for your comment, sorry for not doing the algerbraic version i haven't completly finished. kind regards liam

  2. Hi Liam, this a a good blog post that you have here I like how you have given us a good explanation of how to do it. maybe next time you could go through and proof read for capitals and fulstops.


    1. sorry josh i did not have time to proofread and finish the blog. thank you for commenting on my blog kind regards liam white 9ay

  3. Hi Liam, I like how you've explained it really well. Maybe next time you could check your sentences to make sure that it makes sense and to fix up the pictures that you put in. Good Job!

    1. thank you faith for the comment and sorry for my mistakes i will try to fix it in the future kind regards liam

  4. Hi, Liam. I like how you've explained it, but, I can't really understand what you're trying to get at. What did you mean by the 'allergic to fish' example? In my opinion, it just doesn't make sense. Next time you could probably proof read your post before publishing it.

  5. Hello Liam! It's Jhermaine.
    This is great writing, I like how you added the picture on your blog post but make sure to put your sentences next to the picture so we know that the explanation is about the picture and there's a lot of spaces maybe you could fix that. Make sure you put capital letter in the first letter of the sentence. Great Job!!



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