
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

mechant of venice act 2 scene 2+

Act Two, Scene Two

Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Complete these 2 quotes from the text to support your thinking. A2S2 Line 26- ‘Certainly the master is the very not incarnation’

Line 102 ‘I am great in his service, you may tell every person I have with my job’

Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont? because of gratianio has histories of getting drunk and needs to be helpful

In lines 114-142...

Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions. ‘He hath a great ___lancelot_____ sir, as one __shal___ say, to serve- Indeed the __wait___ and the long is…’ Line 120-123

b. Contradictions ‘Here’s my __son_ sir, a

the helping Jew’s son.

Act Two, Scene Three

What does Jessica think of her life at home?

not very fond of it
Complete this quotes:A- ‘Our house is __hell__, and thou, a __merry___ _devil____’ (Black Pg. 59, Blue Pg.45).


Image result for whakatauki

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Muffin Makeover

Image result for f grade

we made muffins in cooking.
the teacher made tiny changes to make it healthier
swap white flour to wholemeal
using more sugar
more chocolate
replacing milk and eggs with  yoghurt
making radically smaller
3 cups bannana
2/3 brown suger
100g Butter
1/4 cup whole fat milk

Friday, October 25, 2019

characters we met

salerio (played by me)
friends with Antonio and Bassanio
maid (i think or its a friend) of portia that is making portia follaw a dead mans
Servent Man. (also me)
seen once to say that something is ready

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reading Comprehensions

Hands off our pavlova Turquoise 5

a tutu is a type of:
C) dance costume
the main idea of paragraph one was to show that...
(b) the rivalry of Australians and New Zealanders.
the dessert was created for anna pavlova:
(b) during her tour
wrong after her tour
Both countries battle over who created pavlova but new Zealanders have an original recipe while the Australians one was:
(b) and adaption to the recipe
what do you predict will happen about this argument:
(c) they will continue
Eggs are the main part of the pavlova but:
(a)only egg white is used
From paragraph 6 we can conclude that the Australians created pavlova:
(c) by accident.
audiences from both countries adored anna pavlova because:
(b) a brilliant bellat dancer
it is a fact pavlova is:
(a) enjoyed by all over the world
the text was written to:
(a) explain
you can conclude that a light dessert was chosen because of anna pavlova was:
(c) delicate and graceful
in paragraph 6 the pronoun it refers to:
(a) the cake

The Mermaid of Zennor

A synonym for bewitched is:
(b) spooked
Morwenna began to shrivel up because:
(c) she was frightened

SDL Goals

last week I had no goal and this week my goal is going to be dont let fortunate and tragic occasions affect my classwork. (confirmed Monday, October 21st day after my birthday)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Introducing Shakespheare term 4

no settings
  1. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s? Antonio- In sooth, I know not why I am so sad one is sad because they don't wanna marry a dim-witted dumb loser and one is sad for no reason
  2. Portia- By my troth Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world
  3. Why is Portia unhappy? she is being forced to marry without her will and is scared if she is going to marry a dim-witted dumb loser
  4. Do you think Nerissa talking with Portia about her options is helpful, why? yes because now Portia can know which dimwitted dumb loser she will marry
  1. What does Portia’s think of her suitors so far? a dumb dim-witted loser (some drinks a lot)
Act One, Scene Three:
  1. Shylock is a moneylender. ‘Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound...I think I may take his bond(Black P.27) Do you think Shylock is happy to lend Bassanio money? How do you know?
  2. Which does Shylock think is safer, his money lending business or Antonio’s shipping business? Why?
  3. Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio? ‘Yes to smell p---, to eat of the h-------- which your p----- the Nazarite conjured the devil into’ (Black P.29)
  4. Finish this quote that tells how Antonio is breaking his principal of not taking money lent with interest. ‘Methought you said you n------ lend nor b----- upon a-------’ (Black P.31)
  5. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole lot of nastiness. How does Antonio react? (Black P.35)
  6. Why doesn’t Bassanio want Antonio to agree to the bond?