
Monday, October 14, 2019

Introducing Shakespheare term 4

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  1. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s? Antonio- In sooth, I know not why I am so sad one is sad because they don't wanna marry a dim-witted dumb loser and one is sad for no reason
  2. Portia- By my troth Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world
  3. Why is Portia unhappy? she is being forced to marry without her will and is scared if she is going to marry a dim-witted dumb loser
  4. Do you think Nerissa talking with Portia about her options is helpful, why? yes because now Portia can know which dimwitted dumb loser she will marry
  1. What does Portia’s think of her suitors so far? a dumb dim-witted loser (some drinks a lot)
Act One, Scene Three:
  1. Shylock is a moneylender. ‘Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound...I think I may take his bond(Black P.27) Do you think Shylock is happy to lend Bassanio money? How do you know?
  2. Which does Shylock think is safer, his money lending business or Antonio’s shipping business? Why?
  3. Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio? ‘Yes to smell p---, to eat of the h-------- which your p----- the Nazarite conjured the devil into’ (Black P.29)
  4. Finish this quote that tells how Antonio is breaking his principal of not taking money lent with interest. ‘Methought you said you n------ lend nor b----- upon a-------’ (Black P.31)
  5. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole lot of nastiness. How does Antonio react? (Black P.35)
  6. Why doesn’t Bassanio want Antonio to agree to the bond?

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