Act Two, Scene Two
Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Complete these 2 quotes from the text to support your thinking. A2S2 Line 26- ‘Certainly the master is the very not incarnation’
Line 102 ‘I am great in his service, you may tell every person I have with my job’
Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont? because of gratianio has histories of getting drunk and needs to be helpful
In lines 114-142...
Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions. ‘He hath a great ___lancelot_____ sir, as one __shal___ say, to serve- Indeed the __wait___ and the long is…’ Line 120-123
b. Contradictions ‘Here’s my __son_ sir, a
the helping Jew’s son.
Act Two, Scene Three
What does Jessica think of her life at home?
not very fond of it
Complete this quotes:A- ‘Our house is __hell__, and thou, a __merry___ _devil____’ (Black Pg. 59, Blue Pg.45).
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