
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Critical literacy

apply critical thinking to a literacy topic.
Nias favouritism
link(website) source (bibliography)
Authority respected opinion and power.
Reliable- Trusted person.
positive- Point of view (POV)
Agenda- Intentions
Manipulate-control people or objects.
The text-any form that gives information including hearing, writing,
stereotype-a standardized and usually oversimplified and inaccurate conception held in common by many people.
The team captain was failing in school, and he was sadly convinced that he fit the stereotype of the dimwitted athlete.Representation-the showing or picturing of something in a work of art.
This painting is a representation of trees tossed by the wind.Construction-the act or process of building or construction.
Construction of the new library will begin next year.Bias-a line diagonal to the grain of woven cloth.
Cut the fabric on the bias.Inclusion-to has or contains as a part.
The new clock includes batteries.Exclusion-the act or process of excluding. 
Masculine, Feminine (having to do with men or boys; male.) [

of or having to do with a woman or girl; of the female sex.
"Jane" is a feminine name, and "John" is a masculine name.]
Q1.What does da composer of da text want us to know? Inclusion.Q2.What kind of language is used in da text? Both include and exclusion)Q3.what sort of gender was used in the text. Both include and does the text include gender/age/cultural groups. Inclusion and exclusionQ5.What kind of person with interests or values comprised in the text.Q6.what images represent. RepresentationQ7.What words suggest. Representation
Q8. how the does the text show culture, gender.
February the video, I saw a stereotypical area where male-only does lawns and goes to bed (i had bad thoughts)the female Cooks, cleans and makes sure the male and children are was sexist where feminine have to clean and cook but can't go outside and show the shes playinggames like baseball or basketball.
very weird they were talking about how the feminine is taking charge and leaving a muscular man.she gives up on him and gets an internship wich stereotypically that time female was weak and can doanything and male wore same type bland colors and the girl wore bright colores saying watch me nothim Me me me.

The stereo types here in this film and was forced girl to have blond  My thoughts in alcoholI think that people are not safe when drunk and are also better then when there sleep out when drunk 

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