Top left-Sun white, Clouds covering the blue sky
Top right-Blue skies with minimal clouds covering the scene
bottom-Crystal blue water with a tin can.
Middle (add character)-Tin can hold a Hamster named Hunter in a can with an itty bitty umbrella.
Clouds covering a light blue sky, Sun paler than white. Deep dark sky on my right With minimal clouds. Water light and looks like a blue lagoon (alcohol). a hint of a light grey Baked bean Heinz with no cover on. A tip of a can with a Hamster and umbrella.
Likes: Cheese, Blue lagoon alcohol, umbrella's, crackers.
Dislikes: Water, Rain, Wine and cordial, grapes
Characteristics: Evil, Fun, Adventures.
Monday, March 23, 2020
SDL learning goal
Sorry, last time goal was deleted it was Complete all tasks in class or do it in my own time.
Now, this week's goal is to ask the Teacher for a helping hand (or two) if I'm stuck and need assistance. Id also do ask peers and student teachers for help if The teacher was busy.
Now, this week's goal is to ask the Teacher for a helping hand (or two) if I'm stuck and need assistance. Id also do ask peers and student teachers for help if The teacher was busy.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Mirror Mirror
(Child) Playing softly in the room,
the mirror I wish you could talk,
Hear me go bang and boom,
friends I need and want,
well, all I can find goes Squawk.
(mirror) Hello pretty Child,
Let your mind run wild,
Altho Mirrors can't talk,
Let your mind turn me into a hawk,
Let us Run wild and Free,
Just let your happy mind free.
(Child)Mirror, mirror On my wall,
How Pretty am I,
Am I as ugly as a Crocidile,
Am I As pretty as a Jaguar,
Am I as cool as a Peacock,
Am I as bad as a Monkey,
Mirror, Mirror Answer me, please.
(Mirror) Child, Child Calm down,
You are Cooler than a peacock,
You are nothing like a crocodile,
Just as Majestic and beautiful as a Jaguar,
You are NOT UGLY you are the prettiest thing I have seen,
(child) Mirror, Mirror How can you talk?
Is it because a Wicked witch Trapped a kind boy,
Is it because I'm asleep,
Is it because I'm needed,
Please Mirror how can you talk.
the mirror I wish you could talk,
Hear me go bang and boom,
friends I need and want,
well, all I can find goes Squawk.
(mirror) Hello pretty Child,
Let your mind run wild,
Altho Mirrors can't talk,
Let your mind turn me into a hawk,
Let us Run wild and Free,
Just let your happy mind free.
(Child)Mirror, mirror On my wall,
How Pretty am I,
Am I as ugly as a Crocidile,
Am I As pretty as a Jaguar,
Am I as cool as a Peacock,
Am I as bad as a Monkey,
Mirror, Mirror Answer me, please.
(Mirror) Child, Child Calm down,
You are Cooler than a peacock,
You are nothing like a crocodile,
Just as Majestic and beautiful as a Jaguar,
You are NOT UGLY you are the prettiest thing I have seen,
(child) Mirror, Mirror How can you talk?
Is it because a Wicked witch Trapped a kind boy,
Is it because I'm asleep,
Is it because I'm needed,
Please Mirror how can you talk.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
The Hunter swoop.
Extreme hill like. Snowy, Abandoned, deserted.
A blue but cloudy sky, a mountain smaller than my palm snow barely seen.
Mountains were big and far away, White like a pure white blanket covering some grass. Deserted and not a human animal or alien insight.
highways close and Black, Yellow lines the colour of the sun fading away but still close and straight.
Roads far away take years to walk, Not a shop in sight. yellow lines fading away, and a sign saying slow down. the next stop miles away for water.
A blue and Cloudy sky mountain small and white. Trees and bushes small. On the right Bigger mountains Whiter than white a blanket of snow. Highway close and far, Yellow lines big and fading.
Roads far away take years to walk, Not a shop in sight. yellow lines fading away, and a sign saying slow down. the next stop miles away for water.
A blue but cloudy sky, a mountain smaller than my palm snow barely seen.
Mountains were big and far away, White like a pure white blanket covering some grass. Deserted and not a human animal or alien insight.
highways close and Black, Yellow lines the colour of the sun fading away but still close and straight.
Roads far away take years to walk, Not a shop in sight. yellow lines fading away, and a sign saying slow down. the next stop miles away for water.
A blue and Cloudy sky mountain small and white. Trees and bushes small. On the right Bigger mountains Whiter than white a blanket of snow. Highway close and far, Yellow lines big and fading.
Roads far away take years to walk, Not a shop in sight. yellow lines fading away, and a sign saying slow down. the next stop miles away for water.
1. Trees dead and cold. Orange leaves covered the floor the only scenes of warmth.
2. Tall Shadowing trees barely any cloud in sight Fogg growing till no fog is Seen.
3. Water duller then black, Trees reflected towards the sun.
4. Jumping in makes my body Freeze, colder and colder hoping I can jump out soon, a laneway far away my vehicle sat.
The Trees are Dead and a cool colour, Orange leaves shed and fell towards the ground. Trees Shadowed over the land Capturing fog. Water duller then black reflecting blue skies and tips of trees. Jumping in Freezing up, swimming around waiting for my parents t pick me up from the gap in the trees.
Sun yellow, Glistening through the trees. Warming up the ground.
Trees widening then reopening on a loop trying to block the sun.
Wheatfields Long, Tall and Yellow waiting to be picked and Replanted.
Major Kenny, Who was aiming backwards head, Lt, General White Commanding us around the wheat facing Left of us at my team holding a gun aiming ready for anything to pop out at any time.
As the sun glistened threw the Trees, The Trees waved round and round. The Trees Wanting to open then close the Doors blocking the sun. Wheatfields Large and yellow Stealing items from others. Major Kenny, Who was aiming backwards, Yelled at us that we should aim around closer and closer to the barn just in case we get jumped or shot at.
Sam Morgan Buisness Studies
Hello, Today in business studies im talking about a Male guy named Sam Morgan. Personally, I know absolutely nothing about him but well im going to research and do this blog on him. Q means question also and A means to answer, for example, Q1, What is this? A1, This is my blog on Sam Morgan. now to start,
Q1, Where did sam get his interest in selling from?
A1, He got it from Trade me and other websites when he saw people selling and buying.
Q2, What did Trade me look like back in the day,
A2, The Old Logo Looks more realistic and that the old site was more pixilated and curvey.
Q3, How did Sam morgan turn to Trade me into a million-dollar site?
A3, "Sunday, March 5, 2006, was a busy night at Trade Me. The leadership team – Sam Morgan, Jon Macdonald, Jessi Morgan, Rowan Simpson and myself – had the job of calling all 50 staff members and telling them that Trade Me was about to be sold to Fairfax Media.
Q1, Where did sam get his interest in selling from?
A1, He got it from Trade me and other websites when he saw people selling and buying.
Q2, What did Trade me look like back in the day,
A2, The Old Logo Looks more realistic and that the old site was more pixilated and curvey.
Q3, How did Sam morgan turn to Trade me into a million-dollar site?
A3, "Sunday, March 5, 2006, was a busy night at Trade Me. The leadership team – Sam Morgan, Jon Macdonald, Jessi Morgan, Rowan Simpson and myself – had the job of calling all 50 staff members and telling them that Trade Me was about to be sold to Fairfax Media.
The next morning Fairfax staged a press conference at the Park Royal Hotel. Morgan and Fairfax chief executive David Kirk sat on a stage beside Fairfax New Zealand boss Joan Withers. Macdonald and I crept into the back row as press packs were passed out.
In front of me was Bernard Hickey, the former business bureau head of Fairfax New Zealand. He scooped up the pack, ran his practised eye across the media release and did a double-take. Then he leaned across to me and said: "Hey MOD, I think there's a typo here. It says Fairfax has paid $750 million for Trade Me. Don't you mean $75m?".
Hickey's response, one of astonishment that this online garage sale had been snapped up for $750m, was typical of the time. The Warehouse's Stephen Tindall reportedly went into a funk for days and many commentators said Fairfax was mad." ( information with major changes.)
Friday, March 13, 2020
Random Fairy Tale
Liam White and the Five Fluffy Angel Wolf Hybrids
A Fairy Tale
by Liam
Once upon a time, there was a fluffy boy called Liam White. He was on the way to see his Girlfriend Cotton Candy (Mel) when he decided to take a short cut through New Swamp.
It wasn't long before Liam got lost. He looked around, but all he could see were trees. Nervously, he felt into his bag for his favourite toy, Cat plush, but Cat plush was nowhere to be found! Liam began to panic. He felt sure he had packed Cat plush. To make matters worse, he was starting to feel hungry.
Unexpectedly, he saw a Fluffy Angel wolf hybrid dressed in a Pink jacket disappearing into the trees.
"How odd!" thought Liam.
For the want of anything better to do, he decided to follow the peculiarly dressed Angel wolf hybrid. Perhaps it could tell him the way out of the forest.
Eventually, Liam reached a clearing. He found himself surrounded by houses made from different sorts of food. There was a house made from cucumbers, a house made from cupcakes, a house made from biscuits, a house made from macarons, a house made from jelly babies and a house-made from Cookiez.
Liam could feel his tummy rumbling. Looking at the houses did nothing to ease his hunger.
"Hello!" he called. "Is anybody there?"
Nobody replied.
Liam looked at the roof on the closest house and wondered if it would be rude to eat somebody else's chimney. Obviously, it would be impolite to eat a whole house, but perhaps it would be considered acceptable to nibble the odd fixture or lick the odd fitting, in a time of need.
A cackle broke through the air, giving Liam a fright. A witch jumped into space in front of the houses. She was carrying a cage. In that cage was Cat plush!
"Cat plush!" shouted Liam. He turned to the witch. "That's my toy!"
The witch just shrugged.
"Give Cat plush back!" cried Liam.
"Not on your nelly!" said the witch.
"At least let Cat plush out of that cage!"
Before she could reply, five Fluffy Angel wolf hybrids rushed in from a footpath on the other side of the clearing. Liam recognised the one in the Pink jacket that he'd seen earlier. The witch seemed to recognise him too.
"Hello Big Angel Wolf Hybrid," said the witch.
"Good morning." The Angel wolf hybrid noticed Cat plush. "Who is this?"
"That's Cat plush," explained the witch.
"Ooh! Cat plush would look lovely in my house. Give it to me!" demanded the Angel wolf hybrid.
The witch shook her head. "Cat plush is staying with me."
"Um... Excuse me..." Liam interrupted. "Cat plush lives with me! And not in a cage!"
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid ignored him. "Is there nothing you'll trade?" he asked the witch.
The witch thought for a moment, then said, "I do like to be entertained. I'll release him to anybody who can eat a whole front door."
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid looked at the house made from Cookiez and said, "No problem, I could eat an entire house made from Cookiez if I wanted to."
"That's nothing," said the next Angel wolf hybrid. "I could eat two houses."
"There's no need to show off," said the witch. Just eat one front door and I'll let you have Cat plush."
Liam watched, feeling very worried. He didn't want the witch to give Cat plush to Big Angel Wolf Hybrid. He didn't think Cat plush would like living with a Fluffy Angel wolf hybrid, away from his house and all his other toys.
The other four Angel wolf hybrids watched while Big Angel Wolf Hybrid put on his bib and withdrew a knife and fork from his pocket.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Big Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from cupcakes. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
Eventually, Big Angel Wolf Hybrid started to get bigger - just a little bit bigger at first. But after a few more fork-fulls of cupcakes, he grew to the size of a large snowball - and he was every bit as round.
"Erm... I don't feel too good," said Big Angel Wolf Hybrid.
Suddenly, he started to roll. He'd grown so round that he could no longer balance!
"Help!" he cried, as he rolled off down a slope into the forest.
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from cupcakes and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from biscuits.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Average Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from biscuits. She gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
After a while, Average Angel Wolf Hybrid started to look a little queasy. She grew greener...
...and greener.
A woodcutter walked into the clearing. "What's this bush doing here?" he asked.
"I'm not a bush, I'm an Angel wolf-hybrid!" said Average Angel Wolf Hybrid.
"It talks!" exclaimed the woodcutter. "Those talking bushes are the worst kind. I'd better take it away before somebody gets hurt."
"No! Wait!" cried Average Angel Wolf Hybrid, as the woodcutter picked her up. But the woodcutter ignored her cries and carried the Angel wolf hybrid away under his arm.
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from biscuits and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from macarons.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Little Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from macarons. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
After five or six platefuls, Little Angel Wolf Hybrid started to fidget uncomfortably on the spot.
He stopped eating macarons for a moment, then grabbed another forkful.
But before he could eat it, there came an almighty roar. A bottom burp louder than a rocket taking off propelled Little Angel Wolf Hybrid into the sky.
"Aggghhhhhh!" cried Little Angel Wolf Hybrid. "I'm scared of heigh..."
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid was never seen again.
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from macarons and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from jelly babies.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from jelly babies. She gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
However, on the next mouthful, the food fell straight out of Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid's mouth. She tried to stuff in another forkful of jelly babies, but once again, the food fell out. There just wasn't enough room left in her belly.
"This is just not fair!" declared Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid, and stomped off into the forest.
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from jelly babies and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from Cookiez.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from Cookiez. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
Suddenly, Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid stopped eating and started dancing. While he danced, he sang at the top of his lungs, "Cookiez! Watch me eat all the Cookiez!"
"It looks as though the Cookiez is making you hyperactive," laughed the witch.
"Oh no they're not!" cried Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid. "I'm always this excited." With that, he walked into a tree.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid banged his head and fell backwards onto his bottom. He passed out, exhausted.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from Cookiez and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
"That's it," said the witch. "I win. I get to keep Cat plush."
"Not so fast," said Liam. "There is still one front door to go. The front door of the house made from cucumbers. And I haven't had a turn yet.
"I don't have to give you a turn!" laughed the witch. "My game. My rules."
The woodcutter's voice carried through the forest. "I think you should give him a chance. It's only fair."
"Fine," said the witch. "But you saw what happened to the Angel wolf hybrids. He won't last long."
"I'll be right back," said Liam.
"What?" said the witch. "Where's your sense of impatience? I thought you wanted Cat plush back."
Liam ignored the witch and gathered a hefty pile of sticks. He came back to the clearing and started a small campfire. Carefully, he broke off a piece of the door of the house made from cucumbers and toasted it over the fire. Once it had cooked and cooled just a little, he took a bite. He quickly devoured the whole piece.
Liam sat down on a nearby log.
"You fail!" cackled the witch. "You were supposed to eat the whole door."
"I haven't finished," explained Liam. "I am just waiting for my food to go down."
When Liam's food had digested, he broke off another piece of the door made from cucumbers. Once more, he toasted his food over the fire and waited for it to cool just a little. He ate it at a leisurely pace then waited for it to digest.
Eventually, after several sittings, Liam was down to the final piece of the door made from cucumbers. Carefully, he toasted it and allowed it to cool just a little. He finished his final course. Liam had eaten the entire front door of the house made from cucumbers.
The witch stamped her foot angrily. "You must have tricked me!" she said. "I don't reward cheating!"
"I don't think so!" said a voice. It was the woodcutter. He walked back into the clearing, carrying his axe. "This little boy won fair and square. Now hand over Cat plush or I will chop your broomstick in half."
The witch looked horrified. She grabbed her broomstick and placed it behind her. Then, huffing, she opened the door of the cage.
Liam hurried over and grabbed Cat plush, checking that his favourite toy was all right. Fortunately, Cat plush was unharmed.
Liam thanked the woodcutter, grabbed a quick souvenir, and hurried on to meet Cotton. It was starting to get dark.
When Liam got to Cotton's house, his Girlfriend threw her arms around him.
"I was so worried!" cried Cotton. "You are very late."
As Liam described his day, he could tell that Cotton didn't believe him. So he grabbed a napkin from his pocket.
"What's that?" asked Cotton.
Liam unwrapped a doorknob made from cupcakes. "Pudding!" he said.
Cotton almost fell off her chair.
The End
It wasn't long before Liam got lost. He looked around, but all he could see were trees. Nervously, he felt into his bag for his favourite toy, Cat plush, but Cat plush was nowhere to be found! Liam began to panic. He felt sure he had packed Cat plush. To make matters worse, he was starting to feel hungry.
Unexpectedly, he saw a Fluffy Angel wolf hybrid dressed in a Pink jacket disappearing into the trees.
"How odd!" thought Liam.
For the want of anything better to do, he decided to follow the peculiarly dressed Angel wolf hybrid. Perhaps it could tell him the way out of the forest.
Eventually, Liam reached a clearing. He found himself surrounded by houses made from different sorts of food. There was a house made from cucumbers, a house made from cupcakes, a house made from biscuits, a house made from macarons, a house made from jelly babies and a house-made from Cookiez.
Liam could feel his tummy rumbling. Looking at the houses did nothing to ease his hunger.
"Hello!" he called. "Is anybody there?"
Nobody replied.
Liam looked at the roof on the closest house and wondered if it would be rude to eat somebody else's chimney. Obviously, it would be impolite to eat a whole house, but perhaps it would be considered acceptable to nibble the odd fixture or lick the odd fitting, in a time of need.
A cackle broke through the air, giving Liam a fright. A witch jumped into space in front of the houses. She was carrying a cage. In that cage was Cat plush!
"Cat plush!" shouted Liam. He turned to the witch. "That's my toy!"
The witch just shrugged.
"Give Cat plush back!" cried Liam.
"Not on your nelly!" said the witch.
"At least let Cat plush out of that cage!"
Before she could reply, five Fluffy Angel wolf hybrids rushed in from a footpath on the other side of the clearing. Liam recognised the one in the Pink jacket that he'd seen earlier. The witch seemed to recognise him too.
"Hello Big Angel Wolf Hybrid," said the witch.
"Good morning." The Angel wolf hybrid noticed Cat plush. "Who is this?"
"That's Cat plush," explained the witch.
"Ooh! Cat plush would look lovely in my house. Give it to me!" demanded the Angel wolf hybrid.
The witch shook her head. "Cat plush is staying with me."
"Um... Excuse me..." Liam interrupted. "Cat plush lives with me! And not in a cage!"
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid ignored him. "Is there nothing you'll trade?" he asked the witch.
The witch thought for a moment, then said, "I do like to be entertained. I'll release him to anybody who can eat a whole front door."
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid looked at the house made from Cookiez and said, "No problem, I could eat an entire house made from Cookiez if I wanted to."
"That's nothing," said the next Angel wolf hybrid. "I could eat two houses."
"There's no need to show off," said the witch. Just eat one front door and I'll let you have Cat plush."
Liam watched, feeling very worried. He didn't want the witch to give Cat plush to Big Angel Wolf Hybrid. He didn't think Cat plush would like living with a Fluffy Angel wolf hybrid, away from his house and all his other toys.
The other four Angel wolf hybrids watched while Big Angel Wolf Hybrid put on his bib and withdrew a knife and fork from his pocket.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Big Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from cupcakes. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
Eventually, Big Angel Wolf Hybrid started to get bigger - just a little bit bigger at first. But after a few more fork-fulls of cupcakes, he grew to the size of a large snowball - and he was every bit as round.
"Erm... I don't feel too good," said Big Angel Wolf Hybrid.
Suddenly, he started to roll. He'd grown so round that he could no longer balance!
"Help!" he cried, as he rolled off down a slope into the forest.
Big Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from cupcakes and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from biscuits.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Average Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from biscuits. She gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
After a while, Average Angel Wolf Hybrid started to look a little queasy. She grew greener...
...and greener.
A woodcutter walked into the clearing. "What's this bush doing here?" he asked.
"I'm not a bush, I'm an Angel wolf-hybrid!" said Average Angel Wolf Hybrid.
"It talks!" exclaimed the woodcutter. "Those talking bushes are the worst kind. I'd better take it away before somebody gets hurt."
"No! Wait!" cried Average Angel Wolf Hybrid, as the woodcutter picked her up. But the woodcutter ignored her cries and carried the Angel wolf hybrid away under his arm.
Average Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from biscuits and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from macarons.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Little Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from macarons. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
After five or six platefuls, Little Angel Wolf Hybrid started to fidget uncomfortably on the spot.
He stopped eating macarons for a moment, then grabbed another forkful.
But before he could eat it, there came an almighty roar. A bottom burp louder than a rocket taking off propelled Little Angel Wolf Hybrid into the sky.
"Aggghhhhhh!" cried Little Angel Wolf Hybrid. "I'm scared of heigh..."
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid was never seen again.
Little Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from macarons and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from jelly babies.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from jelly babies. She gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
However, on the next mouthful, the food fell straight out of Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid's mouth. She tried to stuff in another forkful of jelly babies, but once again, the food fell out. There just wasn't enough room left in her belly.
"This is just not fair!" declared Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid, and stomped off into the forest.
Tiny Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from jelly babies and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid stepped up and approached the house made from Cookiez.
"I'll eat this whole house," said Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid. "Just you watch!"
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from Cookiez. He gulped it down smiling and went back for more.
And more.
And more.
Suddenly, Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid stopped eating and started dancing. While he danced, he sang at the top of his lungs, "Cookiez! Watch me eat all the Cookiez!"
"It looks as though the Cookiez is making you hyperactive," laughed the witch.
"Oh no they're not!" cried Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid. "I'm always this excited." With that, he walked into a tree.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid banged his head and fell backwards onto his bottom. He passed out, exhausted.
Even-Tinier Angel Wolf Hybrid never finished eating the front door made from Cookiez and Cat plush remained trapped in the witch's cage.
"That's it," said the witch. "I win. I get to keep Cat plush."
"Not so fast," said Liam. "There is still one front door to go. The front door of the house made from cucumbers. And I haven't had a turn yet.
"I don't have to give you a turn!" laughed the witch. "My game. My rules."
The woodcutter's voice carried through the forest. "I think you should give him a chance. It's only fair."
"Fine," said the witch. "But you saw what happened to the Angel wolf hybrids. He won't last long."
"I'll be right back," said Liam.
"What?" said the witch. "Where's your sense of impatience? I thought you wanted Cat plush back."
Liam ignored the witch and gathered a hefty pile of sticks. He came back to the clearing and started a small campfire. Carefully, he broke off a piece of the door of the house made from cucumbers and toasted it over the fire. Once it had cooked and cooled just a little, he took a bite. He quickly devoured the whole piece.
Liam sat down on a nearby log.
"You fail!" cackled the witch. "You were supposed to eat the whole door."
"I haven't finished," explained Liam. "I am just waiting for my food to go down."
When Liam's food had digested, he broke off another piece of the door made from cucumbers. Once more, he toasted his food over the fire and waited for it to cool just a little. He ate it at a leisurely pace then waited for it to digest.
Eventually, after several sittings, Liam was down to the final piece of the door made from cucumbers. Carefully, he toasted it and allowed it to cool just a little. He finished his final course. Liam had eaten the entire front door of the house made from cucumbers.
The witch stamped her foot angrily. "You must have tricked me!" she said. "I don't reward cheating!"
"I don't think so!" said a voice. It was the woodcutter. He walked back into the clearing, carrying his axe. "This little boy won fair and square. Now hand over Cat plush or I will chop your broomstick in half."
The witch looked horrified. She grabbed her broomstick and placed it behind her. Then, huffing, she opened the door of the cage.
Liam hurried over and grabbed Cat plush, checking that his favourite toy was all right. Fortunately, Cat plush was unharmed.
Liam thanked the woodcutter, grabbed a quick souvenir, and hurried on to meet Cotton. It was starting to get dark.
When Liam got to Cotton's house, his Girlfriend threw her arms around him.
"I was so worried!" cried Cotton. "You are very late."
As Liam described his day, he could tell that Cotton didn't believe him. So he grabbed a napkin from his pocket.
"What's that?" asked Cotton.
Liam unwrapped a doorknob made from cupcakes. "Pudding!" he said.
Cotton almost fell off her chair.
The End
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh damn idk what to call it
Peter Jackson Blog. For Buissness
Hello, All Welcome to this blog,
today im here talking about a famous person named Peter Jackson (Heads up I thought he was Percius Jackson the demigod of water) he was a Famous person because he was a Screenwriter and Film Producer. he still makes movies today.
in 2018 He made his last known movie called Mortal Engines. His Earliest creation was that is known to some was called The valley in 1976.
ok now on to the questions we have to answer Q means Question and A means Answer:
Q1, Describe Peter Jacksons Early Films?
A1, His films were and are amazing My faverouts are a New Zealand own movie called The lord of the rings and The hobbit (all of these are from the same Story just expanded into 7 movies).
Q2, Peter Jackson was described as "The most powerful directors in the world" what does it mean?
A2, It means that he was a Great director because of what he made like the lord of the rings and other very Great films.
Q3, Make a list of 10 films Peter Jackson was in,
today im here talking about a famous person named Peter Jackson (Heads up I thought he was Percius Jackson the demigod of water) he was a Famous person because he was a Screenwriter and Film Producer. he still makes movies today.
in 2018 He made his last known movie called Mortal Engines. His Earliest creation was that is known to some was called The valley in 1976.
ok now on to the questions we have to answer Q means Question and A means Answer:
Q1, Describe Peter Jacksons Early Films?
A1, His films were and are amazing My faverouts are a New Zealand own movie called The lord of the rings and The hobbit (all of these are from the same Story just expanded into 7 movies).
Q2, Peter Jackson was described as "The most powerful directors in the world" what does it mean?
A2, It means that he was a Great director because of what he made like the lord of the rings and other very Great films.
Q3, Make a list of 10 films Peter Jackson was in,
- King Kong,
- The lord of the rings trilogy
- The Hobbit trilogy
- Braindead
- Bad taste
- Mortal engines,
- The Valley
- The adventures of tin tin
- Halo
- The Romance on the orient express,
Q4, Why do you (I) think he was successful.
A4, I think he was successful because he made movies that were intelligent, new looking as it is old and also made the Speach have a Realistic twist to even movies that are Straight Fiction.
Q5, How does peter Jackson Benefit new Zealand
A5, Well Most of his movies are made and Produced in new Zealand and are also keeping some new Zealand heritage like our old homes and also some of the languages.
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Peter younger then he is now with Gandalf preparing for mortal Engines |
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Peter in 2019 saying New Zealand is just as united as all the countries |
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Gandalf well the acter is in most of Peters movies. |
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Smokes Good Or BAD
Smokes are amazing. (jokes there not).
What does Smoking do to Us as Homo Sapiens?
Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ... You can slow down the progression of the disease and stopping smoking is the most effective way to do this.
Long term effects of smoking.
Some of the long-term effects of smoking (Quit Victoria, 2010) that may be experienced include increased risk of stroke and brain damage. eye cataracts, macular degeneration, yellowing of whites of eyes. loss of sense of smell and taste.
benefits of giving up smoking
Smoking can create several negative effects on your health, such as an increased risk of developing serious diseases like cancer and heart disease. It can also lead to an earlier death. While these risks are a good incentive to quit, quitting can be hard for some people because of withdrawal symptoms. These can include irritability, headaches, and intense nicotine cravings. Even though quitting can be a challenge, the benefits on your physical and mental health are worth it.
What does Smoking do to Us as Homo Sapiens?
Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ... You can slow down the progression of the disease and stopping smoking is the most effective way to do this.
Long term effects of smoking.
Some of the long-term effects of smoking (Quit Victoria, 2010) that may be experienced include increased risk of stroke and brain damage. eye cataracts, macular degeneration, yellowing of whites of eyes. loss of sense of smell and taste.
benefits of giving up smoking
Smoking can create several negative effects on your health, such as an increased risk of developing serious diseases like cancer and heart disease. It can also lead to an earlier death. While these risks are a good incentive to quit, quitting can be hard for some people because of withdrawal symptoms. These can include irritability, headaches, and intense nicotine cravings. Even though quitting can be a challenge, the benefits on your physical and mental health are worth it.
Is Vapeing any Better?
BUT it is still bad
Horror workshop
Fears: Spiders, Needles, Planes, Peoples thoughts, People medical problems (heart attack watching, Watching asthma attack.) and Horror movie Characters.
Physical reactions: breathing heavier, Going pale, Shakes, squealing, Tears dripping, Cold, Goosebumps, Hairs stick up, Pulse changes Rapidly Tongue feels fuzzy, Light headed, sometimes has a panic attack. like ur in a room no ones there but you and all you hear is a surround sound like of beating budump budump budump.
Emotional Reactions: feel Panic, Melancholy, Isolated.
Horror movie Characters:
I see dolls and people I know there fake seeing blood everywhere, Sounding like the surround sound is my heartbeat looking around but I see nothing. It's like I'm in a VR game but now I'm on a couch watching Television. I'm shaking and starting to panic. My heart races faster than Race Cars themselves. Tears form up, my breath starts to stop. Im freezing as if the blood threw me running, threw a freezer and back into my body. I try to fidget with my fingers but not even my hands listen to me, in my head storm clouds grew making lightning clap as my feet and hands wont turn the television off. Tears are now running down my cheek as I can't get them to stop and calm down. My tongue tingles as if it knows somethings off.
Name: Moonlight-Female.
Age: 179 Child still Family home going to preschool.
Occupation:Quiet,shy- Preschool, Doctor blood donor graber.
Characteristics: Quiet,Shy,Pale white, Easily scared, Not making eye contact if you ask a question Will answer and all u hear is a squeak, If they see someone they will Run into a small room, Never seen at school, Depressed.
Likes:Wolf,Angel hybrid character She doesn't know why it just looks COOL,Video watching app They like how they can watch Gacha, Knives Cause she the blade has In gravements and she can feel i,Rain Day Off SCHOOL, BBQ Chicken Chips Cause she LOVES the taste, Magenta Cause it involves Pink and Purple her two Favorite colors and also cause she was brought up with it 24/7.
Dislikes: Family, Santa, Friends,Life
Fears: Having Friends, Arachnophobia because of how small and Deadly they are according to books, Acrophobia Cause a parent Died from Paragliding. and hematophobia because it stains and it makes her tempted to be thirsty. When she gets scared She feels Faint and dizzy as well as her cheeks flustered.
Look Like: White with a little bit of Tan and red (like a normal human) Blue and Blond hair, Moon hair decal always in hair.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Sound of silence.
arguing all around,
fighting, Slapping and Crying,
Girls and boys Bleeding,
smell salty, sweet
fighting, Slapping and Crying,
Girls and boys Bleeding,
smell salty, sweet
Who Is Richard Pearce?
He is a Man (Dead) who Created The first Powered NEEERONG MACHINE (Plane).
Richard Pearse was a South Canterbury inventor, engineer and farmer. He is famous for being one of the first people on earth to leave the ground in a powered aircraft. His life and work have inspired books (including a novel), poetry, stamps, documentaries, and three-stage plays
Why was he an entrepreneur?
He is a Man (Dead) who Created The first Powered NEEERONG MACHINE (Plane).
Richard Pearse was a South Canterbury inventor, engineer and farmer. He is famous for being one of the first people on earth to leave the ground in a powered aircraft. His life and work have inspired books (including a novel), poetry, stamps, documentaries, and three-stage plays
Why was he an entrepreneur?
.His first NEEEEEEERONG MACHINE, built at Waitohi, inland from Temuka, had many innovations - a steerable tricycle undercarriage, wing controls, and a variable pitch airscrew made of metal, not wood. The propeller was directly connected to the crankshaft of the engine. The power-to-weight ratio of the NEEERONG MACHINE was better than many aircraft designed in later years. and he made them so later in everyone can go inside of a NEEERONG MACHINE.
Who is John Britten? John Britten was born to Bruce and Ruvae Britten at Christchurch at 10 minutes to midnight. His twin sister Marguerite was born just after midnight, so although they were twins they celebrated their birthdays on different dates. Being dyslexic, he needed to have exam questions read to him at school and during his tertiary education, and his answers recorded by a writer, but that didn't stop him from developing into a remarkable engineer and architectural designer.
His childhood heroes were notable fellow New Zealanders, Richard Pearse (pioneer aviator), Bill Hamilton (father of the jet boat), Bruce McLaren (champion driver and founder of the McLaren Formula One Team), and Burt Munro (world record motorcycle speedster and subject of the film The World's Fastest Indian). In his own short lifetime, Britten was regularly and favourably compared with all of his heroes.
Why was he an entrepreneur?
Britten completed a four-year mechanical engineering course at night school before joining ICI as a cadet draughtsman, giving him a wide range of work experience including mould design, pattern design, metal spinning and various mechanical engineering designs. Then he pulled apart a Ducatti and remade it a lot faster and stable.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Athletics Day Blog
In athletics the start I thought it would be Really Fun, As we passed on through our lessons my hype and Excitement became lower and lower till athletics day. On the athletics day, we all (most of us at least) Participated in it. We all prepared in the sports class and the best part was when we split up into groups of 2-5 and did our sports. I hope next year we can do it again.
This year in PE I participated in:
long jump-3.65m
high jump-120 was my highest
triple jump- the paper didn't say.
The skills I learned was the feet positions and Frosby flop I also learned which I did not perform was a Javelin throw.
Next time I know im going to apply for multiple more events and Stay as Competitive although it's really boring.
On the day we had a bake sale and sausage sizzle for the poly fest and Japan trip.
This year in PE I participated in:
long jump-3.65m
high jump-120 was my highest
triple jump- the paper didn't say.
The skills I learned was the feet positions and Frosby flop I also learned which I did not perform was a Javelin throw.
Next time I know im going to apply for multiple more events and Stay as Competitive although it's really boring.
On the day we had a bake sale and sausage sizzle for the poly fest and Japan trip.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Iqbal didn’t have the right to have proper food to eat, he had to eat soup and bread once a day he also had to work non-stop for 6-7 hours, This matters because he can’t have the nutrients they need and must have to be able to survive, they are working too hard and might not have the right nutrients to work that long. Iqbal’s father couldn’t afford the medicine and food for his whole family, so he had no choice but to get a loan, Iqbal’s father couldn’t pay it so it became a debt, he had to sell his son, Iqbal to a workshop, Iqbal got moved many times from workshop to workshop to workshop. Human rights are important for all children and Iqbal lost him and that changed his life.
Iqbal disliked being a slave he tried his best to escape and he succeeded, this matters because if he didn’t have enough courage he wouldn’t of escaped to make him be able to escape with his friends and “family”, for example, he squeezed out of the small window in the bathroom and jump over the fence and run away, he then went to the market and found a person protesting about child slavery, he asked some of the policemen to come with him to see where some children were held captive he didn’t succeed this time but he did the other time, he escaped twice and got the person arrested eventually and he helped and protested about child slavery and got a lot of people at his side, when he died, about eight hundred people attended his funeral.
Iqbal was abused a lot. When Iqbal was Taken and Forced to work as a carpet maker, He was called an Artist, he was also one of the best carpet makers around. Iqbal was a kid about 7 or 8 years old, he was a good kid, he shouldn’t have died the way he did. He was in between merchants and buyers since he had quick fingers he could make very good carpet, this was a huge deal with Husain Khan because he needed the money so he can buy other things. Iqbal Tried to win over his time in the carpet factory and ended up Surviving until three years later dead by a man in a tally van.
Horror Character
Name: Moonlight-Female.
Age: 179 Child still Family home going to preschool.
Occupation:Quiet,shy- Preschool, Doctor blood donor graber.
Characteristics: Quiet,Shy,Pale white, Easily scared, Not making eye contact if you ask a question Will answer and all u hear is a squeak, If they see someone they will Run into a small room, Never seen at school, Depressed.
Likes:Wolf,Angel hybrid character She doesn't know why it just looks COOL,Video watching app They like how they can watch Gacha, Knives Cause she the blade has In gravements and she can feel i,Rain Day Off SCHOOL, BBQ Chicken Chips Cause she LOVES the taste, Magenta Cause it involves Pink and Purple her two Favorite colors and also cause she was brought up with it 24/7.
Dislikes: Family, Santa, Friends,Life
Fears: Having Friends, Arachnophobia because of how small and Deadly they are according to books, Acrophobia Cause a parent Died from Paragliding. and hematophobia because it stains and it makes her tempted to be thirsty. When she gets scared She feels Faint and dizzy as well as her cheeks flustered.
Look Like: White with a little bit of Tan and red (like a normal human) Blue and Blond hair, Moon hair decal always in hair.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
My Continuum
A continuum is a line and at one end of the line
people have one viewpoint and at the other end
of the line, they have a different viewpoint.
They can be for or against something
e.g. school uniform.
They might like or dislike something e.g
a film. They may believe or not believe in
something e.g. Aliens. Some people are on
either end of a continuum but often people are
somewhere in between.
people have one viewpoint and at the other end
of the line, they have a different viewpoint.
They can be for or against something
e.g. school uniform.
They might like or dislike something e.g
a film. They may believe or not believe in
something e.g. Aliens. Some people are on
either end of a continuum but often people are
somewhere in between.
Iqbal iqbals mum Husane kahn
Esharn kahn Policeofficer
And im Done, Ahead of the class.
Intro Creative writing.
Figurative Language vs Litteral Language
Figurative language is like emphasising a sentence like... If I hear one more complaint ima explode where literal is saying like if I don't eat im literally gonna die (because I haven't eaten for 12 weeks).
Similes- No not smiles sim-i-l-e-s its used to say things that may include as or like, here are some examples:
- im as slow as a snail,
- She swims like a Fish,
- That girl's hair is like a rats tail
- Mrs Handly is as wise as an Owl
Alliteration- Like the power of 3 you use words they involve 3 or more letters like a tongue twisters here are some examples:
- Sally Sells Seashells by the Sea Shore
- Liam pats lizards licking lollipops
- Sheep Should Sleep in a Shed
- Cockatoo cooks clean crusty Crocodile
Onomatopoeia- Noises to describe a situation here is some examples,
- Bang went the gun,
- Boom went Batman with his bomb
- Splash was the sound of the pool when someone jumped in it,
- Pow went batman as he punched joker's Face.
Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Here are some examples:
- Her heart is gold
- Sea of sand
- The dog was a rock looking at the table waiting for food.
Hyperbole- a Hyperbole is a sentence that's supposed to be taken literally.Here are some examples:
- Im 20 Feet tall this month,
- Im so hungry i could eat a horse.
Idiom- To describe how challenging it is Here are examples:
- A piece of cake -Very easy
- As easy as Pie- Very easy
- Suger and spice -Very Sweet or kind Feminem (used For Girls buts its 2020 Boys also can use it)
Personification- Like a simily
Monday, March 2, 2020
2/3-9/3 of febuary Goals blog
Last week my goal was to make sure I complete all my work on time or post at home or a tiny bit later. I am going to be better next time by actuall
Buisness studies work
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