
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Intro Creative writing.

Figurative Language vs Litteral Language

Figurative language is like emphasising a sentence like... If I hear one more complaint ima explode where literal is saying like if I don't eat im literally gonna die (because I haven't eaten for 12 weeks).
Similes- No not smiles sim-i-l-e-s  its used to say things that may include as or like, here are some examples:
  1. im as slow as a snail,
  2. She swims like a Fish,
  3. That girl's hair is like a rats tail
  4. Mrs Handly is as wise as an Owl
Alliteration- Like the power of 3 you use words they involve 3 or more letters like a tongue twisters here are some examples:
  • Sally Sells Seashells by the Sea Shore
  • Liam pats lizards licking lollipops
  • Sheep Should Sleep in a Shed
  • Cockatoo cooks clean crusty Crocodile
Onomatopoeia- Noises to describe a situation here is some examples,
  1. Bang went the gun,
  2. Boom went Batman with his bomb
  3. Splash was the sound of the pool when someone jumped in it,
  4. Pow went batman as he punched joker's Face.
Metaphor- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
Here are some examples:
  • Her heart is gold
  • Sea of sand
  • The dog was a rock looking at the table waiting for food.
Hyperbole- a Hyperbole is a sentence that's supposed to be taken literally.Here are some examples:
  1. Im 20 Feet tall this month,
  2. Im so hungry i could eat a horse.
Idiom- To describe how challenging it is Here are examples:
  • A piece of cake -Very easy
  • As easy as Pie- Very easy
  • Suger and spice -Very Sweet or kind Feminem (used For Girls buts its 2020 Boys also can use it)
Personification- Like a simily

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